urbanobservatory / standards

Standards and schema documentation for the observatories programme
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Common Vocabulary - discipline #24

Open SiBell opened 4 years ago

SiBell commented 4 years ago


Following previous discussions we appear to have come to the agreement that our observations can have a discipline property, an array of disciplines that the observation would be useful for.

Example observation:

  "madeBySensor": "thermistor-abc",
  "hasResult": {
    "value": 21.2,
    "unit": "deg_c"
  "observedProperty": "AirTemperature",
  "hasFeatureOfInterest": "EarthAtmosphere",
  "discipline": ["Meteorology", "Climatology"]


To agree on a common list of disciplines.


Let's say all 6 urban observatories deploy weather stations across their respective cities. The sensors hosted on these weather stations will be recording observations that are particularly useful to certain disciplines. For example, observations of air temperature are useful to Meteorology and Climatology. Observations of rainfall accumulation would also be of use to Hydrology. If every observatory picks disciplines from a common dictionary it becomes far easier for end users to pull equivalent data from each observatory, e.g. to find out which city has the wettest weather!

As an example, the following query will return observations of air temperature relevant to Meteorologists. By adding the discipline as a query parameter it filters out all the air temperature observations that aren't relevant to this discipline, e.g. the air temperature of a room in a building, or inside an air-conditioning duct.

GET https://api.urbanobservatory.com/observations?observedProperty=AirTemperature&discipline=Meterology


I'll start an initial list below. Just comment below if you think any need modifying or removing, likewise if you have any more that you'd like to add.

Wherever possible please try to reuse or reference disciplines already defined in other vocabularies.

SiBell commented 4 years ago

The QUDT's set of disciplines was an obvious starting point for this list. I've picked out the ones that are most relevant to us. However I've had to add a few of my own because I couldn't find an appropriate category in the QUDT list. If we want to use these we'll need to write our own definition. I'm struggling to find another vocabulary we can pull from.

We've partly discussed this already on this page.

Annoyingly I can't seem to find working links to individual QUDT disciplines. For example, http://qudt.org/vocab/discipline/AtmosphericChemistry isn't found despite it being listed as the JSON-LD @id. Also most of them don't even have a description explaining them.

N.B. if you look at the broader property of each QUDT discipline in the JSON-LD representation you'll notice that many disciplines fall into a broader discipline, e.g. AtmosphericChemistry and Climatology both fall into AtmosphericScience. I've favoured using the more specific disciplines rather than the broader ones. Please comment if you think this is the wrong approach.

Also many of these QUDT Disciplines sound relevant, e.g. ThermalControl until you look at their JSON-LD representation and realise their broad discipline is SpaceSystemEngineering.

Discipline Notes Equivalent to
AtmosphericChemistry Use this for Air Quality observations QUDT's AtmosphericChemistry
Climatology This is a bit of a weird one, as almost every Meteorology observation could also be relevant to Climatology. QUDT's Climatology
Communications Useful for Sheffield's work on mapping LoRaWAN coverage. If a sensor platform, e.g. a weather station, reports its RSSI, should this observation be tagged as Meteorology or Communications? QUDT's Communications
Ecology E.g. bird counts, tree health none found
Energy QUDT's Energy
Geography Too broad? none found
Hydrology Freshwater only? none found
Meteorology QUDT's Meteorology
Structures e.g. bridge vibration QUDT's Structures
SocialScience QUDT's SocialScience
SoftwareEngineering E.g. if we start to output diagnostics from our own servers as observations. QUDT's SoftwareEngineering
Transport e.g. vehicle counts, no. of bus passengers, train locations none found
SiBell commented 4 years ago

We need a Diagnostics or Instrumental discipline.