urbanobservatory / standards

Standards and schema documentation for the observatories programme
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Set of modifiers #26

Open EttoreHector opened 4 years ago

EttoreHector commented 4 years ago


There are circumstances in which the name of an ObservedProperty is not specific enough to fully defined what that property refers to. Over specific property names, such as indoor_air_temperature_room_humanities_building, are to be avoided as their are daunting, difficult to read and very likely too observatory-specific ( i.e. they are not generic enough to be used by other observatories). Following previous discussions we decided to come up with a list of possible qualifiers that would describe the ObservedProperty in more details, without compromising the fairly generic scope of the property name itself.

A simple way to provide the additional info concerning an ObservedProperty would be to add an additional key:value pair in the observation, like

  "observedProperty": "NumberOfPedestrians",
  "direction": "NE"


The aim of this thread is to agree on a common list of qualifiers covering most of the uses cases that (will) present themselves at the observatories. However, each observatory may define its own extra qualifiers if something more observatory-specific is required.


I'll start an initial list below. Just comment below if you think any need modifying or removing, likewise if you have any more that you'd like to add.

Wherever possible please try to reuse or reference disciplines already defined in other vocabularies.

EttoreHector commented 4 years ago

List of qualifiers

name data type units example
direction string NE
direction number deg direction: 270