urbanopt / urbanopt-cli

URBANopt command line interface
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There is a bug in the uo create command while creating urbanopt reopt project #468

Open tanushree04 opened 5 months ago

tanushree04 commented 5 months ago

The resources and measures folder need to be copied over when creating a reopt project.

Currently this throws errors while simulating buildings

[13:59:42.763482 ERROR] C:/a/urbanopt-cli/urbanopt_reopt/.bundle/install/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb failed with message cannot load such file -- C:/a/urbanopt-cli/urbanopt_reopt/resources/hpxml-measures/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/meta_measure in eval:131:in `require'

uo create -p "project name" -v uo create -s "project name"/example_project_with_PV.json uo create -r "project name"/baseline_scenario.csv uo run -s "project name"/REopt_baseline_scenario.csv -f "project name"/example_project_with_PV.json

kflemin commented 5 months ago

you mean when creating a residential (combined) project?

tanushree04 commented 5 months ago

I was creating a reopt project.. so I am not sure why those measures are throwing an error