Currently auth0-lock is being brought in with a script tag on index.html, but this means that karma can't bring it in during testing, failing with:
Chrome 56.0.2924 (Mac OS X 10.10.5) the app says hello FAILED ReferenceError: Auth0Lock is not defined at new App (/Users/abrahamq/Documents/urop/cognicity-rem/scripts/app-bundle.js:214:23) at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/abrahamq/Documents/urop/cognicity-rem/test/unit/app.spec.js:6:14)
I think the solution is to bundle auth0-lock with our app. There's an npm module, but I couldn't get it to work? There's no dist/ or build folder in the npm module and the docs seem to point at having to build the module but npm install fails.
Because Aurelia, proposed solution would be to extend build script to to get Auth0 lock file from CDN and put somewhere sensible for inclusion in build.
Currently auth0-lock is being brought in with a script tag on index.html, but this means that karma can't bring it in during testing, failing with:
Chrome 56.0.2924 (Mac OS X 10.10.5) the app says hello FAILED ReferenceError: Auth0Lock is not defined at new App (/Users/abrahamq/Documents/urop/cognicity-rem/scripts/app-bundle.js:214:23) at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/abrahamq/Documents/urop/cognicity-rem/test/unit/app.spec.js:6:14)
I think the solution is to bundle auth0-lock with our app. There's an npm module, but I couldn't get it to work? There's no dist/ or build folder in the npm module and the docs seem to point at having to build the module but npm install fails.