urbanriskmap / cognicity-rem

Cognicity REM Web Client v3
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auth0-lock <v11 deprecation #39

Open matthewberryman opened 6 years ago

matthewberryman commented 6 years ago

Now strictly unavailable as of two days ago: https://auth0.com/docs/migrations/guides/legacy-lock-api-deprecation

matthewberryman commented 6 years ago


  1. Landing message "Silakan login untuk mengakses peta" no longer appears. Users can still log in using menu and this has been communicated to field office, although see https://github.com/urbanriskmap/cognicity-rem/issues/40
  2. Double check and make sure the UI complies with Auth0's rules for free open source projects.
  3. Apply for free open source plan for petabencana-dev tenant.
  4. Set up custom domain (under tenant settings -> add domain -> set up CNAME record in route53 -> -> drink coffee -> use auth0-managed certificate -> finish drinking coffee -> click on verify -> wait another 5-10 minutes (another coffee? :)). Update https://github.com/urbanriskmap/cognicity-rem/blob/eec9c61045baa0e9930859218fe826cd6fc72793/aurelia_project/environments/dev.js#L6 Note I would suggest auth-dev.petabencana.id as the domain.
  5. Manually trigger build in jenkins (not auto triggering for some reason and not a lot of point to fix as we'll move to codepipeline + codebuild for PB soon).
matthewberryman commented 6 years ago


matthewberryman commented 6 years ago

Badges: https://auth0.github.io/auth0-oss-badges/ Once that's done I can contact the OSS team via the link on https://auth0.com/pricing and then when that's done I can complete other steps.

tomasholderness commented 6 years ago

Badge added to landing page in: https://github.com/urbanriskmap/cognicity-rem/commit/01e81eb32bceaaff92f19d4cce5342ae8d3caf10

Note that this won't show because the Auth0 script (https://cdn.auth0.com/js/lock/11.7.2/lock.min.js) is returning 400 errors and I think Aurelia stops page rendering.

matthewberryman commented 6 years ago

@talltom Thanks for doing this. It shows up on page load which is fine for now (and for good measure I will merge back to master to check on prod). I have applied for OSS plan for petabencana-dev and will keep you posted.

matthewberryman commented 6 years ago

Scratch that, I can see in https://github.com/urbanriskmap/cognicity-rem/pull/41 that there a bunch of other diffs as well, which seem moot in light of recent discussions (?), so for now I will cherry-pick the badge commit back in to master.