urbanyoung / Phasor

Phasor is a server extension for Halo PC which focuses on giving the end-user the ability to deeply customize gameplay. Phasor does this via its scripting system, which uses the Lua language. Scripters are able to react to and change many different aspects of the game.
MIT License
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Some server commands seem to be executed twice #6

Closed twhitcomb closed 11 years ago

twhitcomb commented 11 years ago

I haven't been able to test this fully yet, but it seems some commands are being executed twice when you put them in the console once. Wizard is experiencing the same (I'll comment here if I have any more concrete evidence).

twhitcomb commented 11 years ago

The only thing hinting me at this really is when I use the recall (up arrow in the console), each command is there twice. It seems OnServerCommand doesn't get called twice though.

urbanyoung commented 11 years ago

Errr what? What commands are doing that?