urbanyoung / Phasor

Phasor is a server extension for Halo PC which focuses on giving the end-user the ability to deeply customize gameplay. Phasor does this via its scripting system, which uses the Lua language. Scripters are able to react to and change many different aspects of the game.
MIT License
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OnGameEnd mode 1 not called reliably #71

Open twhitcomb opened 9 years ago

twhitcomb commented 9 years ago

It appears that specifically on Race gametypes OnGameEnd mode1 is not called when the game ends by a player winning (it works if you use sv_map_next though). I was using Rally specifically.

In the OnGameEnd function, I print the stage; "mode 2" and "mode 3" printed, but "mode 1" did not (also the code that was supposed to be executed on mode 1 in all of my scripts didn't execute). There were no script errors or Phasor errors.

Devieth commented 9 years ago

That being known you could just not use mode 1 until it is fixed and just have it be used as soon as ongameend is called.