urbit / bridge

An application for interacting with Azimuth.
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Bridge lets management proxies send invites (but they'll fail) #538

Open drbeefsupreme opened 3 years ago

drbeefsupreme commented 3 years ago

I created a new invite pool with my star and assigned it to ~datnut-pollen.

I logged into ~datnut-pollen's management proxy directly using a Trezor Model T (no Metamask), and attempted to invite someone via email using the invite pool, which resulted in an orange "Error" box appearing with the message "Error sending invite: Transaction failed" below it.

I thought it might be due to lack of funds, so I sent what should be more than sufficient ETH to the management proxy address and still got the error.

My guess is that it is either due to the fact that I'm using a hardware wallet, or perhaps my specific hardware wallet, or the specific firmware version of my hardware wallet (2.3.0, which is not the latest but is the latest one that works with Bridge without using Metamask as an intermediary to my knowledge). Or it might be because I'm using a management proxy instead of the ownership wallet.

This is the address of ~datnut-pollen's management proxy. The failed transactions are all from this: https://etherscan.io/address/0x821fA30b4d82C1ce62701bE2a13c0262196a2528

I'll try using Metamask as an intermediary either tomorrow or Monday.

Fang- commented 3 years ago

I logged into ~datnut-pollen's management proxy

Considering this involves transferring a planet, you can only send invites using your ownership address/master ticket. I thought Bridge checked this before showing you the invite UI, but apparently not? That's a bug, and will indeed lead to failed transactions.

drbeefsupreme commented 3 years ago

Cool, I was able to send invites just now using the ownership key with the Trezor. So it was definitely just because I was using a management proxy.