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Reference TomeDB in docs #301

Open ajlamarc opened 1 year ago

ajlamarc commented 1 year ago

Shilling my own code here, but I think TomeDB should be referenced somewhere on the documentation. Maybe at the top of Hoon School docs, "if you'd like to try building Urbit apps entirely in JavaScript check out XXX"?

I say this since Hoon/Gall was rough at first and it would have been helpful to build Urbit app(s) without going too far into the weeds. Could help with developer retention.

Racket could also be an App Workshop post.

ajlamarc commented 1 year ago

Right now it isn't at the point where someone who's never booted an Urbit could easily work with it, but we're working on getting it to that point.

sigilante commented 1 year ago

What we need is urbit.org/ecosystem for developers... I'll talk to @gordoncc about how we could do this.

sigilante commented 1 year ago

App Workbook is the right place for these. We'll need to decide how to discuss third-party content; right now %ahoy is our example but we made a simplified copy for that page. Not clear if we want to do that in this case—so we'll have to discuss how to represent discussion of the code.