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Revise top-level navigation and content placement #102

Open jalehman opened 1 month ago

jalehman commented 1 month ago

The top-level navigation should be as follows [WIP]:


New Nav

tinnus-napbus commented 1 month ago

It is much more annoying to have to figure out whether what you're looking for is a guide or a reference than to figure out what part of the system it pertains to. The latter is self-evident and the former requires mind-reading.

The original docs site was structured around the system, then Tim had it in his head the site should be divided between guides, tutorials and reference, so I restructured everything and it sucked, so I restructured everything back again to being organised around the system with guide/reference divisions beneath that. Now you want to restructure back to guides/references again.

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sigilante commented 3 weeks ago