urbit / hoon-language-server

Language Server for Hoon. Middleware to translate between the Language Server Protocol and your Urbit.
MIT License
36 stars 10 forks source link

Proposal: submit package to be part of nixpkgs #34

Open idrisr opened 1 year ago

idrisr commented 1 year ago

It would more convenient if this package was part of nixpkgs. Is there any reason not to submit a PR to nixpkgs so that this package is part of the nixpkgs package set?

bct commented 1 year ago

FWIW this works. I put it in an overlay in my home-manager config:

  hoonLanguageServer = let hoonLsp = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      # use bct's fork until https://github.com/urbit/hoon-language-server/pull/31 is merged
      owner  = "bct";
      repo   = "hoon-language-server";
      rev    = "89b2328796d6e1df41ec06534fd4f5b43af7c5a5";
      sha256 = "sha256-RN3dxJhFZeryNtEG9ZUOHziuYffHhUq+x2y+4lHsaYk=";
    pkgs.callPackage "${hoonLsp}/default.nix" {};