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release: urbit-os-v2.142 #1

Closed jalehman closed 1 year ago

jalehman commented 1 year ago


Date: ~2023.6.27 Kelvin: 413 Overview: TODO





Test Plan

jalehman commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/urbit/urbit/issues/6596 needs to be hotfixed into the RC per this comment: https://github.com/urbit/urbit/issues/6596#issuecomment-1601548234

matthew-levan commented 1 year ago
pkova commented 1 year ago
belisarius222 commented 1 year ago
joemfb commented 1 year ago
jalehman commented 1 year ago
belisarius222 commented 1 year ago

@jalehman .^(* cx+/===/nonexistent/hoon) fails

wicrum-wicrun commented 1 year ago
pkova commented 1 year ago

{"term":"crash", "tang": BIG STACK TRACE}

wicrum-wicrun commented 1 year ago

When doing "Open a talk DM with the dev tools network tab open and refresh the page. This should be fast, and Clay's cache should be hit.", it takes about 6s and i get the following. Does this mean that the cache is being hit?

ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]: creating                                                                                                                                   
ford: make tube %ui-init -> %json                                                                                                                                                         
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2                                                                                     
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]                                                                                                                                             
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]: creating                                                                                                                                
ford: make tube %chat-writs -> %json                                                                                                                                                      
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2                                                                               
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]                                                                                                                                          
%contacts: on-peek on path /x/all                                                                                                                                                         
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%contact-rolodex b=%json]]: creating                                                                                                                           
ford: make tube %contact-rolodex -> %json                                                                                                                                                 
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%contact-rolodex b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%contact-rolodex b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2                                                                     
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%contact-rolodex b=%json]]                                                                                                                                     
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]: creating                                                                                                                                   
ford: make tube %ui-init -> %json                                                                                                                                                         
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2                                                                                     
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]                                                
ford: make cast %loob -> %json                
ford: make file /mar/loob/hoon                
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/loob/hoon]: creating                                            
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/loob/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/loob/hoon lobe=0v1m.5gqh1.2vn0i.c6pmb.9tdvq.em2iu.8ekv0.q7i7t.5hr2l.p57ia.bjmne]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/loob/hoon]       
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]: creating                                         
ford: %loob -> %json: +json:grow:loob         
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%loob b=%json]] for [%file path=/mar/loob/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]    
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]: creating                                         
ford: make tube %loob -> %json                
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%loob b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]    
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%charge-update b=%json]]: creating                                
ford: make tube %charge-update -> %json       
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%charge-update b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%charge-update b=%json]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%charge-update b=%json]]                                          
ford: make cast %reel-bait -> %json           
ford: make file /mar/reel/bait/hoon           
ford: cache [%vale path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon lobe=0vg.ljis2.s8a6a.uiupb.bgsrv.o2s01.r2laa.77fln.ildr9.anb75.hsgas]: creating
ford: read file /mar/reel/bait/hoon           
ford: spilt [%vale path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon]                                                 
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon]: creating                                       
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon lobe=0vg.ljis2.s8a6a.uiupb.bgsrv.o2s01.r2laa.77fln.ildr9.anb75.hsgas]: bumping to ref 1
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon] for [%file path=/sur/reel/hoon]: bumping to ref 6
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon]                                                 
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]: creating                                    
ford: %reel-bait -> %json: +json:grow:reel-bait                                              
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]] for [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]                                              
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]: creating                                    
ford: make tube %reel-bait -> %json
ord: cache [%tube mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]                                              
%talk-ui vita-client: not sending activity. already sent.                                    
%contacts: on-watch on path /news             
ford: make cast %kiln-pikes -> %json          
ford: make file /mar/kiln/pikes/hoon          
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon]: creating                                      
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon] for [%file path=/sur/hood/hoon]: bumping to ref 3
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon lobe=0vd.0hl2r.8q8t8.k8ta3.e2hmh.3r521.f9la1.o4d06.o9cie.731ak.4j3lu]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon]                                                
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]: creating                                   
ford: %kiln-pikes -> %json: +json:grow:kiln-pikes                                            
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]] for [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]                                             
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]: creating                                   
ford: make tube %kiln-pikes -> %json          
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]
matthew-levan commented 1 year ago

When doing "Open a talk DM with the dev tools network tab open and refresh the page. This should be fast, and Clay's cache should be hit.", i get the following. Does this mean that the cache is being hit?

Yes, I verified the same with @pkova.

belisarius222 commented 1 year ago


Does this mean that the cache is being hit?

No, the "creating" printfs indicate cache misses: https://github.com/urbit/urbit/blob/develop/pkg/arvo/sys/vane/clay.hoon#L1202

Notice that this printf is triggered in the null case of the cache lookup.

belisarius222 commented 1 year ago

@wicrum-wicrun and I discussed the Clay cache issue. Seems like a false alarm because talk and groups weren't on the latest version. @wicrum-wicrun will test with the latest talk and groups to retry.

belisarius222 commented 1 year ago

Also, that test did confirm that while other marks were not being made warm by userspace, Clay itself was keeping the %mime mark warm, as intended in https://github.com/urbit/urbit/pull/6673.

wicrum-wicrun commented 1 year ago

Got this and it took almost 30 seconds:

ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %ui-init -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%chat-perm b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %chat-perm -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%chat-perm b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%chat-perm b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%chat-perm b=%json]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %chat-writs -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%group b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %group -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%group b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%group b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%group b=%json]]
%contacts: on-peek on path /x/all
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%contact-rolodex b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %contact-rolodex -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%contact-rolodex b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%contact-rolodex b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%contact-rolodex b=%json]]
ford: make cast %migrate-map -> %noun
ford: make file /mar/migrate-map/hoon
ford: cache [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon lobe=0v1k.qk6d7.e2feb.stn7p.uden4.vqe2l.eprt5.13arp.76b7g.99smk.rc243]: creating
ford: read file /mar/migrate-map/hoon
ford: spilt [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]: creating
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%file path=/sur/groups/hoon]: bumping to ref 33
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%file path=/lib/groups-json/hoon]: bumping to ref 17
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon lobe=0v1k.qk6d7.e2feb.stn7p.uden4.vqe2l.eprt5.13arp.76b7g.99smk.rc243]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: creating
ford: %migrate-map -> %noun: +noun:grow:migrate-map
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]] for [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: creating
ford: make tube %migrate-map -> %noun
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]] for [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]
ford: make cast %migrate-map -> %noun
ford: make file /mar/migrate-map/hoon
ford: cache [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon lobe=0v1k.qk6d7.e2feb.stn7p.uden4.vqe2l.eprt5.13arp.76b7g.99smk.rc243]: creating
ford: read file /mar/migrate-map/hoon
ford: spilt [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]: creating
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%file path=/sur/groups/hoon]: bumping to ref 33
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%file path=/lib/groups-json/hoon]: bumping to ref 17
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon lobe=0v1k.qk6d7.e2feb.stn7p.uden4.vqe2l.eprt5.13arp.76b7g.99smk.rc243]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: creating
ford: %migrate-map -> %noun: +noun:grow:migrate-map
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]] for [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: creating
ford: make tube %migrate-map -> %noun
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]] for [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]
ford: make cast %migrate-map -> %noun
ford: make file /mar/migrate-map/hoon
ford: cache [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon lobe=0v1k.qk6d7.e2feb.stn7p.uden4.vqe2l.eprt5.13arp.76b7g.99smk.rc243]: creating
ford: read file /mar/migrate-map/hoon
ford: spilt [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]: creating
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%file path=/sur/groups/hoon]: bumping to ref 33
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%file path=/lib/groups-json/hoon]: bumping to ref 17
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon lobe=0v1k.qk6d7.e2feb.stn7p.uden4.vqe2l.eprt5.13arp.76b7g.99smk.rc243]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: creating
ford: %migrate-map -> %noun: +noun:grow:migrate-map
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]] for [%file path=/mar/migrate-map/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: creating
ford: make tube %migrate-map -> %noun
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]] for [%cast mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%migrate-map b=%noun]]
%group-store: on-peek on path /x/wait
ford: make cast %ships -> %noun
ford: make file /mar/ships/hoon
ford: cache [%vale path=/mar/ships/hoon lobe=0vs.js32u.uq46o.shoic.lkdqp.tdtq4.uchnp.077qr.qh7a4.55pjq.av858]: creating
ford: read file /mar/ships/hoon
ford: spilt [%vale path=/mar/ships/hoon]
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/ships/hoon]: creating
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/ships/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/ships/hoon lobe=0vs.js32u.uq46o.shoic.lkdqp.tdtq4.uchnp.077qr.qh7a4.55pjq.av858]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/ships/hoon]
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%ships b=%noun]]: creating
ford: %ships -> %noun default
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%ships b=%noun]] for [%file path=/mar/noun/hoon]: bumping to ref 36
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%ships b=%noun]] for [%file path=/mar/ships/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%ships b=%noun]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ships b=%noun]]: creating
ford: make tube %ships -> %noun
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ships b=%noun]] for [%cast mars=[a=%ships b=%noun]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%ships b=%noun]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-migration b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %ui-migration -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-migration b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%ui-migration b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%ui-migration b=%json]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %ui-init -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%ui-init b=%json]]
ford: make cast %loob -> %json
ford: make file /mar/loob/hoon
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/loob/hoon]: creating
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/loob/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/loob/hoon lobe=0v1m.5gqh1.2vn0i.c6pmb.9tdvq.em2iu.8ekv0.q7i7t.5hr2l.p57ia.bjmne]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/loob/hoon]
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]: creating
ford: %loob -> %json: +json:grow:loob
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%loob b=%json]] for [%file path=/mar/loob/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %loob -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%loob b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%loob b=%json]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%charge-update b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %charge-update -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%charge-update b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%charge-update b=%json]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%charge-update b=%json]]
ford: make cast %reel-bait -> %json
ford: make file /mar/reel/bait/hoon
ford: cache [%vale path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon lobe=0vg.ljis2.s8a6a.uiupb.bgsrv.o2s01.r2laa.77fln.ildr9.anb75.hsgas]: creating
ford: read file /mar/reel/bait/hoon
ford: spilt [%vale path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon]
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon]: creating
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon lobe=0vg.ljis2.s8a6a.uiupb.bgsrv.o2s01.r2laa.77fln.ildr9.anb75.hsgas]: bumping to ref 1
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon] for [%file path=/sur/reel/hoon]: bumping to ref 6
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon]
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]: creating
ford: %reel-bait -> %json: +json:grow:reel-bait
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]] for [%file path=/mar/reel/bait/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %reel-bait -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%reel-bait b=%json]]
%groups-ui vita-client: not sending activity. already sent.
%contacts: on-watch on path /news
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %chat-writs -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]: bumping to ref 2
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%chat-writs b=%json]]
ford: make cast %kiln-pikes -> %json
ford: make file /mar/kiln/pikes/hoon
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon]: creating
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon] for [%file path=/sur/hood/hoon]: bumping to ref 4
ford: cache [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon] for [%vale path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon lobe=0vd.0hl2r.8q8t8.k8ta3.e2hmh.3r521.f9la1.o4d06.o9cie.731ak.4j3lu]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon]
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]: creating
ford: %kiln-pikes -> %json: +json:grow:kiln-pikes
ford: cache [%cast mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]] for [%file path=/mar/kiln/pikes/hoon]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%cast mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]: creating
ford: make tube %kiln-pikes -> %json
ford: cache [%tube mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]] for [%cast mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]: bumping to ref 1
ford: spilt [%tube mars=[a=%kiln-pikes b=%json]]

Some +vats output:

> +vats %groups
  /sys/kelvin:           [%zuse 413]
  %cz hash ends in:      2ecfn
  app status:            running
  source ship:           ~sogryp-dister-dozzod-dozzod
  pending updates:       ~
> +vats %talk
  /sys/kelvin:           [%zuse 413]
  %cz hash ends in:      qhj6u
  app status:            running
  source ship:           ~sogryp-dister-dozzod-dozzod
  pending updates:       ~
> +vats %base
  /sys/kelvin:           [%zuse 413]
  %cz hash ends in:      7csgb
  app status:            running
  source ship:           ~binnec-dozzod-marzod
  pending updates:       ~
yosoyubik commented 1 year ago