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Core Development project management
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Core Architecture, ~2023.9.18 #13

Open belisarius222 opened 10 months ago

belisarius222 commented 10 months ago
xiphiness commented 10 months ago

when is this?

belisarius222 commented 10 months ago

Meeting Notes

Arvo Ticks and Breadth-First Move Order

We discussed Arvo in some depth. We concluded that breadth-first Arvo will be released on its own unless Arvo ticks are also ready to go before the next release cycle ends. Both changes pose small but independent risks that some applications might hit issues if they had been relying on depth-first ordering, so releasing both simultaneously would not yield a major advantage.

Our current plans are not to rewrite any pieces of the kernel to take advantage of these new features just yet. Some future plans for Arvo:


Ulam seems to have broad support among core devs. The next step is to make a PR that adds it as a mark definition file in the %base desk, with conversions to and from %json and some other standard marks.

?_ WutCab Rune Proposal

@xiphiness's new rune is exciting. It could allow for the types of each value in a map to depend on the type of its key, which would allow more complex maps to have compile-time guarantee of type safety between keys and values.

The next step is for @xiphiness to work on getting the ?_ rune to allow the type of a map value to depend on the type of the head of the key, to enable more complex keys that would make this feature more generally usable.