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displayed source of ++malt seems broken #1010

Closed frunjik closed 3 years ago

frunjik commented 4 years ago

The source of ++malt shown on https://urbit.org/docs/reference/library/2l/#malt seems broken

tinnus-napbus commented 3 years ago

seems to work fine for me and it matches what's in hoon.hoon, I think there's no problem here

> =a |*  a=(list)
  (molt `(list [p=_-<.a q=_->.a])`a)
> (a [['ok' 'no'] ['a' 'b'] ['x' 'y'] ~])
[n=[p='x' q='y'] l={[p='a' q='b'] [p='ok' q='no']} r={}]