urbit / vere

An implementation of the Urbit runtime
MIT License
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Khan/Conn: Working client for sending commands and returning output to an urbit from outside of it. #197

Closed zalberico closed 1 year ago

zalberico commented 1 year ago

Khan: The existing urbit vane part of the code Conn: The existing runtime part of the code Client: The external tool used to interact with conn in order to execute commands from outside of urbit.

Khan and Conn exist to allow a user to execute commands on an urbit from the outside and get the results. Currently though, there is no client for interacting with this service.

@ashelkovnykov is working on a client that will make it possible execute commands and get the relevant output from the already existing Khan/Conn service in urbit. The primary consumer of this client will be Tlon Hosting and its design is specifically targeted for our needs.

This issue will be the source of truth about the state of things and the place to discuss problems or questions. When a PR exists, this is the issue it will reference.

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

Khan is the Arvo vane responsible for running threads (prior to Khan, running threads was a more cumbersome process involving directly calling the spider agent). conn.c is an I/O driver that handles all of the tasks in the 2x2 matrix formed by "read/write" and "Arvo/Vere". In particular, conn.c actually has two methods for writing to Arvo: launching threads through Khan, and directly injecting events into the event loop.

Work by @mopfel-winrux on #155 will shortly make using conn.c easier by allowing a very bash-scriptable way of generating jammed nouns. Using conn.c to launch threads via Khan also makes it possible to run arbitrary Hoon code from Earth. However, it's currently a more cumbersome process: the threads need to be written and |commit to a desk in Arvo, and then called by name via conn.c. @philipcmonk has proposed a new thread in %base that could parse and run arbitrary Hoon code, thus closing the loop: both methods in conn.c would allow running arbitrary Hoon code from Earth.

Tlon Hosting has three needs:

  1. Easily send commands to one or more ships from Earth
  2. Easily scry data from one or more ships from Earth
  3. Passively consume observability data emitted by ships on Earth

Only needs 1 and 2 are relevant for this GitHub issue.

Before speaking with @istathar, the quickest way to meet these needs seemed to be a command-line thin client. Written in Python or Rust, this command line tool would contain light text formatting for the purposes of sending commands to conn.c as threads. It would help users create Hoon code as bash text which could be piped into the Vere eval command (after #155) to create jammed nouns, which could then be piped into the conn.c socket of a running ship. The pipeline would have looked something like these examples:

thin-cli 'hi' -a '~fed' | ./vere eval --jam | nc -U ~/urbit/zod/.urb/conn.sock | ./vere eval --cue
thin-cli --arbitrary '(add 2 2)' | ./vere eval --jam | nc -U ~/urbit/zod/.urb/conn.sock | ./vere eval --cue

After speaking with @istathar, this is not the direction in which we presently want to go. Hosting ultimately wants to move towards a thick client/hypervisor capable of more sophisticated automation. In addition, they already have access to a Haskell library for noun representation. This means that they already have the tools available to directly jam and cue nouns, handling the output from interactions with conn.c programmatically. Based on these circumstances, it seems that the better approach would be to immediately begin work on a thick client with the minimum viable number of features. The idea is that this thick client will start out rather skinny, but will rapidly bulk up as Hosting uncovers features they need and the Runtime team assists in providing them. It will also bulk up as the Hosting engineers add more features on their own (after all, they have both a library for representing nouns and a way to pass arbitrary nouns as events to Arvo).

One thing that's nice about this is that it works to keep the thin waist of Urbit as newt-encoded jammed nouns. newt-encoded jammed nouns are already the way in which King and Serf (soon to be Urth and Mars) communicate, and as Urth dissolves into multiple I/O drivers, the plan is for those to communicate using newt-encoded jammed nouns, too.

In summary: this has shifted to be a Tlon internal tooling discussion, and unless someone from UF or the community wants to jump in to take the first idea from above, I don't think there's more runway for this issue.

I'll note that @istathar intends for the Tlon Hosting team to open source as much of this tooling as possible.

zalberico commented 1 year ago

This is really great @ashelkovnykov thanks.

istathar commented 1 year ago

In passing, I'll note that I've discovered that one of our predecessors seems to have saved a copy of much of the original Haskell runtime work in an internal Tlon repo. It's rather annoying that he didn't credit the origin of this code at all in that repo (would have saved me a lot of digging and forensic comparisons) but as a result I've got access to what appears to be working code that knows how to jam and cue.

It'll need testing (yeah), but given that it came out of urbit and is MIT licensed we can re-release the necessary bits as appropriate. I'll start figuring out the logistics of that.

So we have both the pieces we need to support @ashelkovnykov's work and the ability to open source our helper when the time comes.

We'll continue this internally.

zalberico commented 1 year ago

We're reopening this and @ashelkovnykov is going to do the following (from conversation with @philipcmonk @lukebuehler and @ashelkovnykov)




ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

Expanding on what @zalberico wrote:

We've decided to reopen this issue for several reasons, but the ones which are publicly relevant are:

  1. A public client would serve as documentation and an example for how to communicate with running ships via conn.c
  2. Usage of such a client would verify that conn.c is working as intended under real use cases

Preliminary work involves producing a thread capable of running arbitrary Hoon code passed as text input (as proposed by @philipcmonk).

Afterwards, my plan is to produce two clients for interfacing with conn.c. The first will be a very simple thin client like the one I described in my above post. This first client likely doesn't even need to be in Rust, since it can lean heavily on the vere eval work by @mopfel-winrux (completing this client may involve lightly extending said work).

The second client will be written in Rust, taking advantage of the Rust noun representation library produced by @mcevoypeter. This client will form the basis for a thick client which has access to more sophisticated tooling (e.g. direct event injection, native noun representation, etc.).

mopfel-winrux commented 1 year ago

Do we need the --cue flag for the client?

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

@mopfel-winrux I'd like to have it. Are you asking because you're planning to implement it?

mopfel-winrux commented 1 year ago

@ashelkovnykov Its on my todo list but I had it at a low priority because I didn't know of an immediate use for it. If it's gonna be used I can prioritize more.

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

@mopfel-winrux and I synced offline:

Adding a --cue flag is a natural extension of the work he did for his UF grant (#155). However, the grant is complete and Native Planet does not currently have a need for --cue, so he was going to add it later just for fun/to keep contributing.

I might need it soon, so he shared his existing work/insight with me, and we agreed that I'll give him a heads up and take the ticket myself if need be.

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

Feb 13 EOD update:

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

Feb 14 EOD update:

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

Feb 16 EOD update:

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

Feb 17 EOD update:

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

Feb 21 EOD Update:

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

FEB 22 EOD Update:

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

FEB 23 EOD Update:

ashelkovnykov commented 1 year ago

This isn't complete yet - after #255 and #6353 are both merged, I'll submit a PR with a thin client implementation. After that's merged, I think there's still a discussion to be had regarding whether that's resolved this issue: whether the UF or just Tlon want an additional first implementation of a thick client (i.e. something in not-bash that can natively read nouns).