urbste / MultiCol-SLAM

This repository contains a multi-fisheye camera SLAM. The underlying SLAM system is based on ORB-SLAM.
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How to run this whole porject smoothly? #40

Closed TengFeiHan0 closed 5 years ago

TengFeiHan0 commented 5 years ago

Dear @FookSong I have downloaded and compiled this project very quickly, then I try to run this program. When executing `./Examples/Lafida/multi_col_slam_lafida ./Examples/small_orb_omni_voc_9_6.yml ./Examples/Lafida/Slam_Settings_indoor2.yaml ./Examples/Lafida/Calibration/ /home/mm/Downloads/indoor_dynamic

`The viewer window has disappeared after one second. Screenshot from 2019-07-04 20-13-46 what is the confusing thing is that I didn't change any source files, would you please to share your running steps or give me some suggestions?

hddgi commented 4 years ago

Hi, Could you please tell me how do you fix this problem?

liuyl12 commented 4 years ago

I met with the same problem and pls tell me how to solve it...

liuyl12 commented 4 years ago

Dear @FookSong I have downloaded and compiled this project very quickly, then I try to run this program. When executing `./Examples/Lafida/multi_col_slam_lafida ./Examples/small_orb_omni_voc_9_6.yml ./Examples/Lafida/Slam_Settings_indoor2.yaml ./Examples/Lafida/Calibration/ /home/mm/Downloads/indoor_dynamic

`The viewer window has disappeared after one second. Screenshot from 2019-07-04 20-13-46 what is the confusing thing is that I didn't change any source files, would you please to share your running steps or give me some suggestions?

@TengFeiHan0 hello, could you share your solution?

KhazixW2 commented 1 year ago

the problem maybe is soft version conflict .