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DS: Figma Embed Block #492

Open sanmishr opened 2 months ago

sanmishr commented 2 months ago

For Single component page we have to provide authoring abilities using which a author can

  1. Configure a Figma link to a specific element inside Figma
  2. Configure a Figma link to entire Figma page

We have to design a block which will cater to above requirement and style the block .

Discussions around it happened in this thread -


alexcarol commented 2 months ago

PoC: https://test-figma-embed--hlx-test--urfuwo.hlx.page/draft/acarol/embed Document: https://sap.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/207899/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B0FB6DB99-F6D6-40D5-A196-BF037705B673%7D&file=Embed.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true Branch: https://github.com/urfuwo/hlx-test/tree/test-figma-embed