uribo / jpndistrict

🗾 Create Japansese Administration Area Maps
22 stars 3 forks source link

Follow up sf (0.6-0) update #11

Closed uribo closed 6 years ago

lintr-bot commented 6 years ago

R/district_viewer.R:29:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                 label = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u90fd\\u9053\\u5e9c\\u770c\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e:"),

R/district_viewer.R:34:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                      selectInput("cities", "select", choices = NULL,

R/district_viewer.R:58:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5e02\\u533a\\u753a\\u6751\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e"),

R/district_viewer.R:59:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        choices = unique(magrittr::use_series(jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref), city))

R/district_viewer.R:64:12: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    output$my.table <- renderDataTable({

R/district_viewer.R:71:11: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​        d %>% dplyr::filter(city %in% c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:78:12: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    output$my.map <- renderLeaflet({

R/district_viewer.R:80:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:19: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:30: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:83:9: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:83:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_pref’

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:86:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:9: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:98:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:3: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘runGadget’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:34: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘dialogViewer’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/export_mesh.R:18:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:18:8: warning: local variable ‘data’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:20:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​  sf_pref <- jpn_cities(jis_code = jis_code)

R/export_mesh.R:28:50: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  df_pref10km_mesh <- jpmesh::sf_jpmesh[df_tmp %>% tidyr::unnest() %>%

R/export_mesh.R:29:62: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​                                  magrittr::use_series(id) %>% unique(), ] %>%

R/export_mesh.R:49:31: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  res <- sf_prefmesh[df_tmp %>% tidyr::unnest() %>%

R/find_city.R:19:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘find_city’

​  res <- find_city(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:29:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      dplyr::right_join(jpn_pref(pref_code = df_tmp$pref_code, district = FALSE) %>%

R/find_city.R:31:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                by = c("pref_code" = "jis_code", "prefecture")) %>%

R/find_city.R:66:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dplyr::filter(meshcode == jpmesh::coords_to_mesh(longitude, latitude, mesh_size = "80km")) %>%

R/find_city.R:69:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    purrr::set_names(c("pref_code", "meshcode_80km", "prefecture", "region")) %>%

R/find_city.R:91:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘which_pol_min’

​  pol_min <- which_pol_min(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:95:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    message(intToUtf8(c(25351, 23450, 12375, 12383, 24231, 27161, 12364, 12509, 12522, 12468, 12531, 12395, 21547, 12414, 12428, 12414, 12379, 12435)))

R/spdf_jpn.R:4:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @details Collect unit of prefecture simple feature data.frame objects.. If downalod argument is TRUE,

R/spdf_jpn.R:5:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' download administrative area data from the National Land Numeral Information Download Service (for law data).

R/spdf_jpn.R:10:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @param drop_sinkyokyoku if TRUE, drop sichyo_sinkyokyoku variable (default TRUE)

R/spdf_jpn.R:20:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​jpn_pref <- function(pref_code, admin_name, district = TRUE, download = FALSE, drop_sinkyokyoku = TRUE) {

R/spdf_jpn.R:25:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(code = pref_code)

R/spdf_jpn.R:27:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(admin_name = admin_name)

R/spdf_jpn.R:31:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    d <- readr::read_rds(system.file(paste0("extdata/ksj_n03/pref_", pref_code, ".rds"),

R/spdf_jpn.R:34:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘read_ksj_cityarea’

​    d <- read_ksj_cityarea(code = as.numeric(pref_code))

R/spdf_jpn.R:38:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    d <- d %>% dplyr::select(-3)

R/spdf_jpn.R:57:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @description City area polygon data. When an administrative name (jis_code_city) or code (jis_code_city)

R/spdf_jpn.R:58:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' is specified as an argument, the target city data is extracted. If neither is given,

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:16: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘tweak_sf_output’

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:105:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @return data.frame. contains follow columns jis_code, type, name, address, longitude and latitude.

R/util.R:24:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:26:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:26:7: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:39:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref.shp <- NULL

R/util.R:41:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref.shp <- sf::st_read(

R/util.R:45:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:48:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘raw_bind_cityareas’

​  res <- raw_bind_cityareas(pref.shp)

R/util.R:59:3: warning: local variable ‘prefecture’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:17: warning: local variable ‘city_code’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:30: warning: local variable ‘geometry’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:95:13: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘path_ksj_cityarea’

​    path <- path_ksj_cityarea(code)

R/util.R:98:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_cityarea’

​  res <- collect_cityarea(path)

R/util.R:114:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    pref.identifer <- sprintf("%02d", code)

R/util.R:115:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:115:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:117:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    extract.path <- paste(tempdir(), pref.identifer,  sep = "/")

R/util.R:122:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::download.file(paste0("http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/gml/data/N03/N03-15/N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"),

R/util.R:129:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:129:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:133:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = extract.path

R/util.R:154:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:71: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:68: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:172:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:8: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:19: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:19: warning: local variable ‘N03_002’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:30: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:41: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:52: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:173:16: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref_name <- city_name_ <- city_name <- city_name_full <- city_code <- NULL

R/util.R:175:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  res <- sf::st_read(list.files(path, pattern = "shp$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE),

R/util.R:178:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                        dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:182:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​           city_name_full = stringi::stri_trim_both(gsub("NA", "", paste(tmp_var, N03_004)))) %>%

R/util.R:187:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    mutate_at(.vars = vars(contains("name")), stringi::stri_conv, to = "UTF8") %>%

R/util.R:205:5: warning: local variable ‘download.file’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:205:22: warning: local variable ‘unzip’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:207:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    df.dl.url <- readr::read_rds(system.file("extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds", package = "jpndistrict"))

R/util.R:209:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    if (is.null(path) & file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == FALSE) {

R/util.R:212:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                    destfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:214:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::unzip(zipfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:215:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​            exdir   = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/"))

R/util.R:217:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:217:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:218:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    } else if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == TRUE) {

R/util.R:219:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:219:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:222:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:224:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:248:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                                           sf::st_point(c(longitude, latitude), dim = "XY"),

R/util.R:262:20: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  target <- target %>% sf::st_sf()

R/util.R:265:22: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    target <- target %>% sf::st_transform(crs = 4326)

R/zzz.R:2:39: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘creditmsg’

​  packageStartupMessage(paste(strwrap(creditmsg), collapse = "\n"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:15:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$prefecture, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u8328\\u57ce\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:28:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$city, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u3064\\u304f\\u3070\\u5e02"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:8:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_pref$prefecture[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:9:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  # expect_error(jpn_pref(admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"), pref_code = 12),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:12:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​               c("pref_code", "prefecture", "sichyo_sinkyokyoku", "city_code", "city", "geometry"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:32:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_city$city[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:37:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(dim(jpn_cities(jis_code = 33, admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:44:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   df_admins <- jpn_admins(jis_code = 47)

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:46:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("sf"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:47:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("tbl"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:48:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_equal(dim(df_admins), c(65, 5))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:51:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_is(df_admins$jis_code[1], "factor")
lintr-bot commented 6 years ago

R/district_viewer.R:29:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                 label = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u90fd\\u9053\\u5e9c\\u770c\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e:"),

R/district_viewer.R:34:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                      selectInput("cities", "select", choices = NULL,

R/district_viewer.R:58:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5e02\\u533a\\u753a\\u6751\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e"),

R/district_viewer.R:59:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        choices = unique(magrittr::use_series(jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref), city))

R/district_viewer.R:64:12: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    output$my.table <- renderDataTable({

R/district_viewer.R:71:11: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​        d %>% dplyr::filter(city %in% c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:78:12: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    output$my.map <- renderLeaflet({

R/district_viewer.R:80:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:19: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:30: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:83:9: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:83:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_pref’

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:86:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:9: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:98:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:3: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘runGadget’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:34: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘dialogViewer’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/export_mesh.R:18:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:18:8: warning: local variable ‘data’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:20:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​  sf_pref <- jpn_cities(jis_code = jis_code)

R/export_mesh.R:28:50: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  df_pref10km_mesh <- jpmesh::sf_jpmesh[df_tmp %>% tidyr::unnest() %>%

R/export_mesh.R:29:62: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​                                  magrittr::use_series(id) %>% unique(), ] %>%

R/export_mesh.R:49:31: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  res <- sf_prefmesh[df_tmp %>% tidyr::unnest() %>%

R/find_city.R:19:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘find_city’

​  res <- find_city(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:29:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      dplyr::right_join(jpn_pref(pref_code = df_tmp$pref_code, district = FALSE) %>%

R/find_city.R:31:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                by = c("pref_code" = "jis_code", "prefecture")) %>%

R/find_city.R:66:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dplyr::filter(meshcode == jpmesh::coords_to_mesh(longitude, latitude, mesh_size = "80km")) %>%

R/find_city.R:69:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    purrr::set_names(c("pref_code", "meshcode_80km", "prefecture", "region")) %>%

R/find_city.R:91:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘which_pol_min’

​  pol_min <- which_pol_min(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:95:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    message(intToUtf8(c(25351, 23450, 12375, 12383, 24231, 27161, 12364, 12509, 12522, 12468, 12531, 12395, 21547, 12414, 12428, 12414, 12379, 12435)))

R/spdf_jpn.R:4:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @details Collect unit of prefecture simple feature data.frame objects.. If downalod argument is TRUE,

R/spdf_jpn.R:5:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' download administrative area data from the National Land Numeral Information Download Service (for law data).

R/spdf_jpn.R:10:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @param drop_sinkyokyoku if TRUE, drop sichyo_sinkyokyoku variable (default TRUE)

R/spdf_jpn.R:20:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​jpn_pref <- function(pref_code, admin_name, district = TRUE, download = FALSE, drop_sinkyokyoku = TRUE) {

R/spdf_jpn.R:25:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(code = pref_code)

R/spdf_jpn.R:27:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(admin_name = admin_name)

R/spdf_jpn.R:31:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    d <- readr::read_rds(system.file(paste0("extdata/ksj_n03/pref_", pref_code, ".rds"),

R/spdf_jpn.R:34:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘read_ksj_cityarea’

​    d <- read_ksj_cityarea(code = as.numeric(pref_code))

R/spdf_jpn.R:38:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    d <- d %>% dplyr::select(-3)

R/spdf_jpn.R:57:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @description City area polygon data. When an administrative name (jis_code_city) or code (jis_code_city)

R/spdf_jpn.R:58:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' is specified as an argument, the target city data is extracted. If neither is given,

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:16: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘tweak_sf_output’

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:105:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @return data.frame. contains follow columns jis_code, type, name, address, longitude and latitude.

R/util.R:24:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:26:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:26:7: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:39:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref.shp <- NULL

R/util.R:41:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref.shp <- sf::st_read(

R/util.R:45:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:48:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘raw_bind_cityareas’

​  res <- raw_bind_cityareas(pref.shp)

R/util.R:59:3: warning: local variable ‘prefecture’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:17: warning: local variable ‘city_code’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:30: warning: local variable ‘geometry’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:95:13: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘path_ksj_cityarea’

​    path <- path_ksj_cityarea(code)

R/util.R:98:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_cityarea’

​  res <- collect_cityarea(path)

R/util.R:114:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    pref.identifer <- sprintf("%02d", code)

R/util.R:115:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:115:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:117:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    extract.path <- paste(tempdir(), pref.identifer,  sep = "/")

R/util.R:122:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::download.file(paste0("http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/gml/data/N03/N03-15/N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"),

R/util.R:129:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:129:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:133:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = extract.path

R/util.R:154:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:71: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:68: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:172:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:8: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:19: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:19: warning: local variable ‘N03_002’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:30: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:41: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:52: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:173:16: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref_name <- city_name_ <- city_name <- city_name_full <- city_code <- NULL

R/util.R:175:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  res <- sf::st_read(list.files(path, pattern = "shp$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE),

R/util.R:178:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                        dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:182:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​           city_name_full = stringi::stri_trim_both(gsub("NA", "", paste(tmp_var, N03_004)))) %>%

R/util.R:187:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    mutate_at(.vars = vars(contains("name")), stringi::stri_conv, to = "UTF8") %>%

R/util.R:205:5: warning: local variable ‘download.file’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:205:22: warning: local variable ‘unzip’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:207:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    df.dl.url <- readr::read_rds(system.file("extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds", package = "jpndistrict"))

R/util.R:209:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    if (is.null(path) & file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == FALSE) {

R/util.R:212:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                    destfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:214:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::unzip(zipfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:215:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​            exdir   = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/"))

R/util.R:217:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:217:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:218:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    } else if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == TRUE) {

R/util.R:219:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:219:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:222:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:224:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:248:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                                           sf::st_point(c(longitude, latitude), dim = "XY"),

R/util.R:262:20: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  target <- target %>% sf::st_sf()

R/util.R:265:22: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    target <- target %>% sf::st_transform(crs = 4326)

R/zzz.R:2:39: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘creditmsg’

​  packageStartupMessage(paste(strwrap(creditmsg), collapse = "\n"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:15:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$prefecture, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u8328\\u57ce\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:28:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$city, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u3064\\u304f\\u3070\\u5e02"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:8:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_pref$prefecture[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:9:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  # expect_error(jpn_pref(admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"), pref_code = 12),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:12:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​               c("pref_code", "prefecture", "sichyo_sinkyokyoku", "city_code", "city", "geometry"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:32:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_city$city[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:37:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(dim(jpn_cities(jis_code = 33, admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:44:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   df_admins <- jpn_admins(jis_code = 47)

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:46:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("sf"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:47:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("tbl"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:48:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_equal(dim(df_admins), c(65, 5))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:51:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_is(df_admins$jis_code[1], "factor")
lintr-bot commented 6 years ago

R/district_viewer.R:29:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                 label = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u90fd\\u9053\\u5e9c\\u770c\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e:"),

R/district_viewer.R:34:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                      selectInput("cities", "select", choices = NULL,

R/district_viewer.R:58:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5e02\\u533a\\u753a\\u6751\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e"),

R/district_viewer.R:59:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        choices = unique(magrittr::use_series(jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref), city))

R/district_viewer.R:64:12: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    output$my.table <- renderDataTable({

R/district_viewer.R:71:11: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​        d %>% dplyr::filter(city %in% c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:78:12: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    output$my.map <- renderLeaflet({

R/district_viewer.R:80:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:19: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:30: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:83:9: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:83:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_pref’

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:86:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:9: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:98:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:3: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘runGadget’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:34: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘dialogViewer’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/export_mesh.R:18:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:18:8: warning: local variable ‘data’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:20:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​  sf_pref <- jpn_cities(jis_code = jis_code)

R/export_mesh.R:28:50: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  df_pref10km_mesh <- jpmesh::sf_jpmesh[df_tmp %>% tidyr::unnest() %>%

R/export_mesh.R:29:62: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​                                  magrittr::use_series(id) %>% unique(), ] %>%

R/export_mesh.R:49:31: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  res <- sf_prefmesh[df_tmp %>% tidyr::unnest() %>%

R/find_city.R:19:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘find_city’

​  res <- find_city(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:29:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      dplyr::right_join(jpn_pref(pref_code = df_tmp$pref_code, district = FALSE) %>%

R/find_city.R:31:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                by = c("pref_code" = "jis_code", "prefecture")) %>%

R/find_city.R:66:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dplyr::filter(meshcode == jpmesh::coords_to_mesh(longitude, latitude, mesh_size = "80km")) %>%

R/find_city.R:69:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    purrr::set_names(c("pref_code", "meshcode_80km", "prefecture", "region")) %>%

R/find_city.R:91:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘which_pol_min’

​  pol_min <- which_pol_min(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:95:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    message(intToUtf8(c(25351, 23450, 12375, 12383, 24231, 27161, 12364, 12509, 12522, 12468, 12531, 12395, 21547, 12414, 12428, 12414, 12379, 12435)))

R/spdf_jpn.R:4:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @details Collect unit of prefecture simple feature data.frame objects.. If downalod argument is TRUE,

R/spdf_jpn.R:5:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' download administrative area data from the National Land Numeral Information Download Service (for law data).

R/spdf_jpn.R:10:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @param drop_sinkyokyoku if TRUE, drop sichyo_sinkyokyoku variable (default TRUE)

R/spdf_jpn.R:20:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​jpn_pref <- function(pref_code, admin_name, district = TRUE, download = FALSE, drop_sinkyokyoku = TRUE) {

R/spdf_jpn.R:25:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(code = pref_code)

R/spdf_jpn.R:27:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(admin_name = admin_name)

R/spdf_jpn.R:31:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    d <- readr::read_rds(system.file(paste0("extdata/ksj_n03/pref_", pref_code, ".rds"),

R/spdf_jpn.R:34:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘read_ksj_cityarea’

​    d <- read_ksj_cityarea(code = as.numeric(pref_code))

R/spdf_jpn.R:38:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    d <- d %>% dplyr::select(-3)

R/spdf_jpn.R:57:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @description City area polygon data. When an administrative name (jis_code_city) or code (jis_code_city)

R/spdf_jpn.R:58:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' is specified as an argument, the target city data is extracted. If neither is given,

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:16: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘tweak_sf_output’

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:105:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @return data.frame. contains follow columns jis_code, type, name, address, longitude and latitude.

R/util.R:24:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:26:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:26:7: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:39:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref.shp <- NULL

R/util.R:41:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref.shp <- sf::st_read(

R/util.R:45:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:48:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘raw_bind_cityareas’

​  res <- raw_bind_cityareas(pref.shp)

R/util.R:59:3: warning: local variable ‘prefecture’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:17: warning: local variable ‘city_code’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:30: warning: local variable ‘geometry’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:95:13: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘path_ksj_cityarea’

​    path <- path_ksj_cityarea(code)

R/util.R:98:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_cityarea’

​  res <- collect_cityarea(path)

R/util.R:114:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    pref.identifer <- sprintf("%02d", code)

R/util.R:115:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:115:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:117:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    extract.path <- paste(tempdir(), pref.identifer,  sep = "/")

R/util.R:122:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::download.file(paste0("http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/gml/data/N03/N03-15/N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"),

R/util.R:129:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:129:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:133:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = extract.path

R/util.R:154:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:71: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:68: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:172:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:8: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:19: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:19: warning: local variable ‘N03_002’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:30: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:41: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:52: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:173:16: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref_name <- city_name_ <- city_name <- city_name_full <- city_code <- NULL

R/util.R:175:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  res <- sf::st_read(list.files(path, pattern = "shp$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE),

R/util.R:178:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                        dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:182:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​           city_name_full = stringi::stri_trim_both(gsub("NA", "", paste(tmp_var, N03_004)))) %>%

R/util.R:187:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    mutate_at(.vars = vars(contains("name")), stringi::stri_conv, to = "UTF8") %>%

R/util.R:205:5: warning: local variable ‘download.file’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:205:22: warning: local variable ‘unzip’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:207:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    df.dl.url <- readr::read_rds(system.file("extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds", package = "jpndistrict"))

R/util.R:209:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    if (is.null(path) & file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == FALSE) {

R/util.R:212:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                    destfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:214:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::unzip(zipfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:215:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​            exdir   = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/"))

R/util.R:217:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:217:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:218:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    } else if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == TRUE) {

R/util.R:219:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:219:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:222:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:224:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:248:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                                           sf::st_point(c(longitude, latitude), dim = "XY"),

R/util.R:262:20: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  target <- target %>% sf::st_sf()

R/util.R:265:22: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    target <- target %>% sf::st_transform(crs = 4326)

R/zzz.R:2:39: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘creditmsg’

​  packageStartupMessage(paste(strwrap(creditmsg), collapse = "\n"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:15:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$prefecture, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u8328\\u57ce\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:28:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$city, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u3064\\u304f\\u3070\\u5e02"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:8:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_pref$prefecture[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:9:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  # expect_error(jpn_pref(admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"), pref_code = 12),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:12:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​               c("pref_code", "prefecture", "sichyo_sinkyokyoku", "city_code", "city", "geometry"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:32:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_city$city[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:37:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(dim(jpn_cities(jis_code = 33, admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:44:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   df_admins <- jpn_admins(jis_code = 47)

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:46:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("sf"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:47:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("tbl"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:48:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_equal(dim(df_admins), c(65, 5))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:51:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_is(df_admins$jis_code[1], "factor")
lintr-bot commented 6 years ago

R/district_viewer.R:29:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                 label = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u90fd\\u9053\\u5e9c\\u770c\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e:"),

R/district_viewer.R:34:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                      selectInput("cities", "select", choices = NULL,

R/district_viewer.R:58:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5e02\\u533a\\u753a\\u6751\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e"),

R/district_viewer.R:59:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        choices = unique(magrittr::use_series(jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref), city))

R/district_viewer.R:64:12: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    output$my.table <- renderDataTable({

R/district_viewer.R:71:11: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​        d %>% dplyr::filter(city %in% c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:78:12: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    output$my.map <- renderLeaflet({

R/district_viewer.R:80:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:19: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:30: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:83:9: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:83:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_pref’

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:86:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:9: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:98:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:3: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘runGadget’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:34: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘dialogViewer’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/export_mesh.R:18:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:18:8: warning: local variable ‘data’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:20:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​  sf_pref <- jpn_cities(jis_code = jis_code)

R/export_mesh.R:28:50: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  df_pref10km_mesh <- jpmesh::sf_jpmesh[df_tmp %>% tidyr::unnest() %>%

R/export_mesh.R:29:62: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​                                  magrittr::use_series(id) %>% unique(), ] %>%

R/export_mesh.R:49:31: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  res <- sf_prefmesh[df_tmp %>% tidyr::unnest() %>%

R/find_city.R:19:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘find_city’

​  res <- find_city(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:29:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      dplyr::right_join(jpn_pref(pref_code = df_tmp$pref_code, district = FALSE) %>%

R/find_city.R:31:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                by = c("pref_code" = "jis_code", "prefecture")) %>%

R/find_city.R:66:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dplyr::filter(meshcode == jpmesh::coords_to_mesh(longitude, latitude, mesh_size = "80km")) %>%

R/find_city.R:69:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    purrr::set_names(c("pref_code", "meshcode_80km", "prefecture", "region")) %>%

R/find_city.R:91:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘which_pol_min’

​  pol_min <- which_pol_min(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:95:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    message(intToUtf8(c(25351, 23450, 12375, 12383, 24231, 27161, 12364, 12509, 12522, 12468, 12531, 12395, 21547, 12414, 12428, 12414, 12379, 12435)))

R/spdf_jpn.R:4:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @details Collect unit of prefecture simple feature data.frame objects.. If downalod argument is TRUE,

R/spdf_jpn.R:5:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' download administrative area data from the National Land Numeral Information Download Service (for law data).

R/spdf_jpn.R:10:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @param drop_sinkyokyoku if TRUE, drop sichyo_sinkyokyoku variable (default TRUE)

R/spdf_jpn.R:20:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​jpn_pref <- function(pref_code, admin_name, district = TRUE, download = FALSE, drop_sinkyokyoku = TRUE) {

R/spdf_jpn.R:25:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(code = pref_code)

R/spdf_jpn.R:27:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(admin_name = admin_name)

R/spdf_jpn.R:31:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    d <- readr::read_rds(system.file(paste0("extdata/ksj_n03/pref_", pref_code, ".rds"),

R/spdf_jpn.R:34:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘read_ksj_cityarea’

​    d <- read_ksj_cityarea(code = as.numeric(pref_code))

R/spdf_jpn.R:38:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    d <- d %>% dplyr::select(-3)

R/spdf_jpn.R:57:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @description City area polygon data. When an administrative name (jis_code_city) or code (jis_code_city)

R/spdf_jpn.R:58:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' is specified as an argument, the target city data is extracted. If neither is given,

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:16: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘tweak_sf_output’

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:105:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​#' @return data.frame. contains follow columns jis_code, type, name, address, longitude and latitude.

R/util.R:24:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:26:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:26:7: style: %>% should always have a space before it and a new line after it, unless the full pipeline fits on one line.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:39:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref.shp <- NULL

R/util.R:41:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref.shp <- sf::st_read(

R/util.R:45:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:48:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘raw_bind_cityareas’

​  res <- raw_bind_cityareas(pref.shp)

R/util.R:59:3: warning: local variable ‘prefecture’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:17: warning: local variable ‘city_code’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:30: warning: local variable ‘geometry’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:95:13: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘path_ksj_cityarea’

​    path <- path_ksj_cityarea(code)

R/util.R:98:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_cityarea’

​  res <- collect_cityarea(path)

R/util.R:114:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    pref.identifer <- sprintf("%02d", code)

R/util.R:115:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:115:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:117:5: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​    extract.path <- paste(tempdir(), pref.identifer,  sep = "/")

R/util.R:122:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::download.file(paste0("http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/gml/data/N03/N03-15/N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"),

R/util.R:129:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:129:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:133:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = extract.path

R/util.R:154:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:71: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:68: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:172:3: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:8: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:19: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:19: warning: local variable ‘N03_002’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:30: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:41: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:172:52: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:173:16: style: Variable or function name should be snake_case.

​  pref_name <- city_name_ <- city_name <- city_name_full <- city_code <- NULL

R/util.R:175:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  res <- sf::st_read(list.files(path, pattern = "shp$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE),

R/util.R:178:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                        dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:182:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​           city_name_full = stringi::stri_trim_both(gsub("NA", "", paste(tmp_var, N03_004)))) %>%

R/util.R:187:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    mutate_at(.vars = vars(contains("name")), stringi::stri_conv, to = "UTF8") %>%

R/util.R:205:5: warning: local variable ‘download.file’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:205:22: warning: local variable ‘unzip’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:207:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    df.dl.url <- readr::read_rds(system.file("extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds", package = "jpndistrict"))

R/util.R:209:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    if (is.null(path) & file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == FALSE) {

R/util.R:212:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                    destfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:214:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::unzip(zipfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:215:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​            exdir   = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/"))

R/util.R:217:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:217:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:218:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    } else if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == TRUE) {

R/util.R:219:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:219:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:222:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:224:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:248:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                                           sf::st_point(c(longitude, latitude), dim = "XY"),

R/util.R:262:20: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  target <- target %>% sf::st_sf()

R/util.R:265:22: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    target <- target %>% sf::st_transform(crs = 4326)

R/zzz.R:2:39: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘creditmsg’

​  packageStartupMessage(paste(strwrap(creditmsg), collapse = "\n"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:15:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$prefecture, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u8328\\u57ce\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:28:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$city, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u3064\\u304f\\u3070\\u5e02"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:8:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_pref$prefecture[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:9:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  # expect_error(jpn_pref(admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"), pref_code = 12),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:12:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​               c("pref_code", "prefecture", "sichyo_sinkyokyoku", "city_code", "city", "geometry"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:32:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_city$city[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:37:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(dim(jpn_cities(jis_code = 33, admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:44:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   df_admins <- jpn_admins(jis_code = 47)

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:46:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("sf"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:47:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("tbl"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:48:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_equal(dim(df_admins), c(65, 5))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:51:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_is(df_admins$jis_code[1], "factor")
lintr-bot commented 6 years ago

R/district_viewer.R:23:9: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​  ui <- miniPage(

R/district_viewer.R:24:5: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​    gadgetTitleBar("District Viewer"),

R/district_viewer.R:25:5: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​    miniTabstripPanel(

R/district_viewer.R:26:7: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      miniTabPanel("Parameters", icon = icon("sliders"),

R/district_viewer.R:27:20: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                   miniContentPanel(

R/district_viewer.R:28:22: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                     selectInput(inputId = "pref",

R/district_viewer.R:29:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                 label = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u90fd\\u9053\\u5e9c\\u770c\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e:"),

R/district_viewer.R:33:22: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                     conditionalPanel("input.pref !== null",

R/district_viewer.R:34:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                      selectInput("cities", "select", choices = NULL,

R/district_viewer.R:34:39: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                                      selectInput("cities", "select", choices = NULL,

R/district_viewer.R:39:7: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      miniTabPanel("Map", icon = icon("map-o"),

R/district_viewer.R:40:20: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                   miniContentPanel(padding = 0,

R/district_viewer.R:41:37: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                                    leafletOutput("my.map", height = "100%")

R/district_viewer.R:44:7: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      miniTabPanel("Data", icon = icon("table"),

R/district_viewer.R:45:20: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                   miniContentPanel(

R/district_viewer.R:46:22: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                     dataTableOutput("my.table")

R/district_viewer.R:57:7: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      updateSelectInput(session, "cities",

R/district_viewer.R:58:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5e02\\u533a\\u753a\\u6751\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e"),

R/district_viewer.R:59:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        choices = unique(magrittr::use_series(jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref), city))

R/district_viewer.R:64:24: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​    output$my.table <- renderDataTable({

R/district_viewer.R:71:11: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​        d %>% dplyr::filter(city %in% c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:78:22: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​    output$my.map <- renderLeaflet({

R/district_viewer.R:80:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:19: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:83:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_pref’

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:86:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:90:9: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​        addTiles() %>%

R/district_viewer.R:91:9: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​        addPolylines(data = map.data, color = color,

R/district_viewer.R:98:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:3: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:3: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘runGadget’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:34: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:34: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘dialogViewer’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/export_mesh.R:18:8: warning: local variable ‘data’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:20:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​  sf_pref <- jpn_cities(jis_code = jis_code)

R/find_city.R:19:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘find_city’

​  res <- find_city(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:29:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      dplyr::right_join(jpn_pref(pref_code = df_tmp$pref_code, district = FALSE) %>%

R/find_city.R:31:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                by = c("pref_code" = "jis_code", "prefecture")) %>%

R/find_city.R:66:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dplyr::filter(meshcode == jpmesh::coords_to_mesh(longitude, latitude, mesh_size = "80km")) %>%

R/find_city.R:69:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    purrr::set_names(c("pref_code", "meshcode_80km", "prefecture", "region")) %>%

R/find_city.R:91:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘which_pol_min’

​  pol_min <- which_pol_min(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:95:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    message(intToUtf8(c(25351, 23450, 12375, 12383, 24231, 27161, 12364, 12509, 12522, 12468, 12531, 12395, 21547, 12414, 12428, 12414, 12379, 12435)))

R/spdf_jpn.R:20:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​jpn_pref <- function(pref_code, admin_name, district = TRUE, download = FALSE, drop_sinkyokyoku = TRUE) {

R/spdf_jpn.R:25:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(code = pref_code)

R/spdf_jpn.R:27:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(admin_name = admin_name)

R/spdf_jpn.R:31:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    d <- readr::read_rds(system.file(paste0("extdata/ksj_n03/pref_", pref_code, ".rds"),

R/spdf_jpn.R:34:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘read_ksj_cityarea’

​    d <- read_ksj_cityarea(code = as.numeric(pref_code))

R/spdf_jpn.R:38:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    d <- d %>% dplyr::select(-3)

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:16: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘tweak_sf_output’

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/util.R:24:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:26:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:45:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:48:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘raw_bind_cityareas’

​  res <- raw_bind_cityareas(pref.shp)

R/util.R:59:3: warning: local variable ‘prefecture’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:17: warning: local variable ‘city_code’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:30: warning: local variable ‘geometry’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:95:13: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘path_ksj_cityarea’

​    path <- path_ksj_cityarea(code)

R/util.R:98:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_cityarea’

​  res <- collect_cityarea(path)

R/util.R:115:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:122:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::download.file(paste0("http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/gml/data/N03/N03-15/N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"),

R/util.R:129:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:129:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:133:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = extract.path

R/util.R:154:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:71: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:68: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:172:19: warning: local variable ‘N03_002’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:175:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  res <- sf::st_read(list.files(path, pattern = "shp$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE),

R/util.R:178:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                        dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:182:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​           city_name_full = stringi::stri_trim_both(gsub("NA", "", paste(tmp_var, N03_004)))) %>%

R/util.R:187:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    mutate_at(.vars = vars(contains("name")), stringi::stri_conv, to = "UTF8") %>%

R/util.R:205:5: warning: local variable ‘download.file’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:205:22: warning: local variable ‘unzip’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:207:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    df.dl.url <- readr::read_rds(system.file("extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds", package = "jpndistrict"))

R/util.R:207:5: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​    df.dl.url <- readr::read_rds(system.file("extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds", package = "jpndistrict"))

R/util.R:209:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    if (is.null(path) & file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == FALSE) {

R/util.R:209:54: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​    if (is.null(path) & file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == FALSE) {

R/util.R:211:28: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​      utils::download.file(df.dl.url$zipFileUrl[pref_code],

R/util.R:211:38: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      utils::download.file(df.dl.url$zipFileUrl[pref_code],

R/util.R:212:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                    destfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:212:49: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​                    destfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:214:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::unzip(zipfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:214:47: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​      utils::unzip(zipfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:215:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​            exdir   = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/"))

R/util.R:215:57: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​            exdir   = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/"))

R/util.R:217:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:217:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:217:48: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:218:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    } else if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == TRUE) {

R/util.R:218:45: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​    } else if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == TRUE) {

R/util.R:219:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:219:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:219:48: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:222:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:224:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:248:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                                           sf::st_point(c(longitude, latitude), dim = "XY"),

R/util.R:262:20: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  target <- target %>% sf::st_sf()

R/util.R:265:22: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    target <- target %>% sf::st_transform(crs = 4326)

R/zzz.R:2:39: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘creditmsg’

​  packageStartupMessage(paste(strwrap(creditmsg), collapse = "\n"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:15:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$prefecture, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u8328\\u57ce\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:28:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$city, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u3064\\u304f\\u3070\\u5e02"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:8:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_pref$prefecture[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:9:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  # expect_error(jpn_pref(admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"), pref_code = 12),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:12:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​               c("pref_code", "prefecture", "sichyo_sinkyokyoku", "city_code", "city", "geometry"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:32:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_city$city[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:37:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(dim(jpn_cities(jis_code = 33, admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:44:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   df_admins <- jpn_admins(jis_code = 47)

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:46:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("sf"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:47:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("tbl"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:48:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_equal(dim(df_admins), c(65, 5))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:51:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_is(df_admins$jis_code[1], "factor")
lintr-bot commented 6 years ago

R/district_viewer.R:23:9: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​  ui <- miniPage(

R/district_viewer.R:24:5: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​    gadgetTitleBar("District Viewer"),

R/district_viewer.R:25:5: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​    miniTabstripPanel(

R/district_viewer.R:26:7: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      miniTabPanel("Parameters", icon = icon("sliders"),

R/district_viewer.R:27:20: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                   miniContentPanel(

R/district_viewer.R:28:22: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                     selectInput(inputId = "pref",

R/district_viewer.R:29:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                 label = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u90fd\\u9053\\u5e9c\\u770c\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e:"),

R/district_viewer.R:33:22: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                     conditionalPanel("input.pref !== null",

R/district_viewer.R:34:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                      selectInput("cities", "select", choices = NULL,

R/district_viewer.R:34:39: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                                      selectInput("cities", "select", choices = NULL,

R/district_viewer.R:39:7: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      miniTabPanel("Map", icon = icon("map-o"),

R/district_viewer.R:40:20: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                   miniContentPanel(padding = 0,

R/district_viewer.R:41:37: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                                    leafletOutput("my.map", height = "100%")

R/district_viewer.R:44:7: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      miniTabPanel("Data", icon = icon("table"),

R/district_viewer.R:45:20: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                   miniContentPanel(

R/district_viewer.R:46:22: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​                     dataTableOutput("my.table")

R/district_viewer.R:57:7: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      updateSelectInput(session, "cities",

R/district_viewer.R:58:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5e02\\u533a\\u753a\\u6751\\u3092\\u9078\\u629e"),

R/district_viewer.R:59:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                        choices = unique(magrittr::use_series(jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref), city))

R/district_viewer.R:64:24: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​    output$my.table <- renderDataTable({

R/district_viewer.R:71:11: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​        d %>% dplyr::filter(city %in% c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:78:22: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​    output$my.map <- renderLeaflet({

R/district_viewer.R:80:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:19: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:80:28: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​      prefcode <- jpnprefs %>% dplyr::filter(prefecture == as.character(input$pref)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/district_viewer.R:83:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_pref’

​        map.data <- jpn_pref(admin_name = input$pref, district = FALSE)

R/district_viewer.R:86:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:86:21: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​        map.data <- jpn_cities(jis_code = prefcode, admin_name = c(input$cities))

R/district_viewer.R:90:9: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​        addTiles() %>%

R/district_viewer.R:91:9: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​        addPolylines(data = map.data, color = color,

R/district_viewer.R:98:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:3: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:3: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘runGadget’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:34: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/district_viewer.R:98:34: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘dialogViewer’

​  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = dialogViewer("district_viewer", width = 650, height = 500))

R/export_mesh.R:18:8: warning: local variable ‘data’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- data <- meshcode <- NULL

R/export_mesh.R:20:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘jpn_cities’

​  sf_pref <- jpn_cities(jis_code = jis_code)

R/find_city.R:19:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘find_city’

​  res <- find_city(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:29:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      dplyr::right_join(jpn_pref(pref_code = df_tmp$pref_code, district = FALSE) %>%

R/find_city.R:31:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                by = c("pref_code" = "jis_code", "prefecture")) %>%

R/find_city.R:66:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dplyr::filter(meshcode == jpmesh::coords_to_mesh(longitude, latitude, mesh_size = "80km")) %>%

R/find_city.R:69:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    purrr::set_names(c("pref_code", "meshcode_80km", "prefecture", "region")) %>%

R/find_city.R:91:14: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘which_pol_min’

​  pol_min <- which_pol_min(longitude, latitude, ...)

R/find_city.R:95:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    message(intToUtf8(c(25351, 23450, 12375, 12383, 24231, 27161, 12364, 12509, 12522, 12468, 12531, 12395, 21547, 12414, 12428, 12414, 12379, 12435)))

R/spdf_jpn.R:20:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​jpn_pref <- function(pref_code, admin_name, district = TRUE, download = FALSE, drop_sinkyokyoku = TRUE) {

R/spdf_jpn.R:25:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(code = pref_code)

R/spdf_jpn.R:27:20: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_prefcode’

​      pref_code <- collect_prefcode(admin_name = admin_name)

R/spdf_jpn.R:31:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    d <- readr::read_rds(system.file(paste0("extdata/ksj_n03/pref_", pref_code, ".rds"),

R/spdf_jpn.R:34:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘read_ksj_cityarea’

​    d <- read_ksj_cityarea(code = as.numeric(pref_code))

R/spdf_jpn.R:38:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    d <- d %>% dplyr::select(-3)

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:12: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/spdf_jpn.R:92:16: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘tweak_sf_output’

​  res <- d %>% tweak_sf_output()

R/util.R:24:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:26:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  ) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(c("jis_code", "type", "name", "address", "geometry")) %>%

R/util.R:45:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                       dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:48:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘raw_bind_cityareas’

​  res <- raw_bind_cityareas(pref.shp)

R/util.R:59:3: warning: local variable ‘prefecture’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:17: warning: local variable ‘city_code’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:59:30: warning: local variable ‘geometry’ assigned but may not be used

​  prefecture <- city_code <- geometry <- NULL

R/util.R:95:13: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘path_ksj_cityarea’

​    path <- path_ksj_cityarea(code)

R/util.R:98:10: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_cityarea’

​  res <- collect_cityarea(path)

R/util.R:115:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    dest.path <- paste(tempdir(), paste0("N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"), sep = "/")

R/util.R:122:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::download.file(paste0("http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/gml/data/N03/N03-15/N03-150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip"),

R/util.R:129:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:129:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(extract.path, gsub(".zip$", "", paste0("N03-20150101_", pref.identifer, "_GML.zip")), sep = "/")

R/util.R:133:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = extract.path

R/util.R:154:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:154:71: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, jis_code == pref_code(code)) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:32: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘jpnprefs’

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:156:68: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    pref_code <- dplyr::filter(jpnprefs, prefecture == admin_name) %>% magrittr::use_series(jis_code)

R/util.R:172:19: warning: local variable ‘N03_002’ assigned but may not be used

​  . <- N03_001 <- N03_002 <- N03_003 <- N03_004 <- N03_007 <- tmp_var <- NULL

R/util.R:175:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  res <- sf::st_read(list.files(path, pattern = "shp$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE),

R/util.R:178:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                        dplyr::if_else(tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows",

R/util.R:182:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​           city_name_full = stringi::stri_trim_both(gsub("NA", "", paste(tmp_var, N03_004)))) %>%

R/util.R:187:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    mutate_at(.vars = vars(contains("name")), stringi::stri_conv, to = "UTF8") %>%

R/util.R:205:5: warning: local variable ‘download.file’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:205:22: warning: local variable ‘unzip’ assigned but may not be used

​    download.file <- unzip <- NULL

R/util.R:207:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    df.dl.url <- readr::read_rds(system.file("extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds", package = "jpndistrict"))

R/util.R:207:5: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​    df.dl.url <- readr::read_rds(system.file("extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds", package = "jpndistrict"))

R/util.R:209:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    if (is.null(path) & file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == FALSE) {

R/util.R:209:54: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​    if (is.null(path) & file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == FALSE) {

R/util.R:211:28: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​      utils::download.file(df.dl.url$zipFileUrl[pref_code],

R/util.R:211:38: style: Variable and function names should be all lowercase.

​      utils::download.file(df.dl.url$zipFileUrl[pref_code],

R/util.R:212:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                    destfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:212:49: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​                    destfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:214:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      utils::unzip(zipfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:214:47: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​      utils::unzip(zipfile = paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/"),

R/util.R:215:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​            exdir   = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/"))

R/util.R:215:57: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​            exdir   = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/"))

R/util.R:217:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:217:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:217:48: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:218:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    } else if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == TRUE) {

R/util.R:218:45: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​    } else if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code], sep = "/")) == TRUE) {

R/util.R:219:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:219:12: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:219:48: style: Words within variable and function names should be separated by '_' rather than '.'.

​      path = paste(tempdir(), gsub(".zip", "", df.dl.url$dest_file[pref_code]),  sep = "/")

R/util.R:222:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:224:12: warning: no visible global function definition for ‘collect_ksj_p34’

​    res <- collect_ksj_p34(path = path)

R/util.R:248:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                                                           sf::st_point(c(longitude, latitude), dim = "XY"),

R/util.R:262:20: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​  target <- target %>% sf::st_sf()

R/util.R:265:22: warning: *no visible global function definition for ‘%>%’, Did you mean '%%'?**

​    target <- target %>% sf::st_transform(crs = 4326)

R/zzz.R:2:39: warning: no visible binding for global variable ‘creditmsg’

​  packageStartupMessage(paste(strwrap(creditmsg), collapse = "\n"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:15:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$prefecture, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u8328\\u57ce\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-find_city.R:28:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(test$city, stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u3064\\u304f\\u3070\\u5e02"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:8:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_pref$prefecture[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:9:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  # expect_error(jpn_pref(admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u770c"), pref_code = 12),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:12:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​               c("pref_code", "prefecture", "sichyo_sinkyokyoku", "city_code", "city", "geometry"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:32:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(df_city$city[1], stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:37:1: style: lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  expect_equal(dim(jpn_cities(jis_code = 33, admin_name = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u5ca1\\u5c71\\u5e02 \\u6771\\u533a"))),

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:44:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   df_admins <- jpn_admins(jis_code = 47)

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:46:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("sf"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:47:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_s3_class(df_admins, c("tbl"))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:48:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_equal(dim(df_admins), c(65, 5))

tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R:51:5: style: Commented code should be removed.

​#   expect_is(df_admins$jis_code[1], "factor")