urinieto / meshuggahme

Convert any song into a Meshuggah song!
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Need to make this a soundcloud bot. #2

Open Cortexelus opened 8 years ago

Cortexelus commented 8 years ago

volunteers http://github.com/cortexelus/dadabots

urinieto commented 8 years ago

You need to make meshuggahme a soundcloud bot? Or you're simply spamming this repo?

Cortexelus commented 8 years ago

I'm volunteering to make a meshuggahme soundcloud bot, because: 1) This project is awesome 2) Meshuggah is one of the greatest bands in the world. 3) I've been wanting make Meshuggah remix algorithms, including one that produces different variations of "I" 4) I make soundcloud bots.

For example, I made Brian McFee (librosa) an autochiptune bot https://soundcloud.com/autochiptune/ Here's another one that spits out ambient music using paulstretch: https://soundcloud.com/phasedandconfused/

Are you interested?

More about Dadabots: https://vimeo.com/72277348 http://remix.army

urinieto commented 8 years ago

oh shit, I thought you were a bot.

That's awesome! I didn't even know that SC bots were a thing. Autochirping the tunes... I was there the day Brian hacked that. Titanness all around.

I would like to tweak the algorithm a little bit before doing something this serious.

But absolutely yes! What do you need?

urinieto commented 8 years ago

(also: thanks for the interest, and sorry for thinking you were spamming this repo!)

Cortexelus commented 8 years ago

No worries, haha.

Were you there at MusicHackDay MIT? Was that the day Brian hacked Autochiptune? That's also when Zack Zukowski and I started DadaBots.

Let me know when you're ready with tweaks. Because the bots quickly + automatically spit out tracks, they are good for getting a better understanding of how the music algorithm needs to be tweaked. For example, after listening to so many autochiptune remixes, Brian and I agreed bandpass noise wasn't the best idea for percussion.

What I need: it would be sick for meshuggahme to have an artwork-remix algorithm too. For example, phasedandconfused does a blur, and autochiptune does a pixelation. Thoughts?

ZVK commented 8 years ago

Just wanted to take a second to introduce myself. As mentioned above, I worked on the Dadabots code at MusicHackDay. Meshuggah is a great band to make a bot for, and I am interested in volunteering to help with this in any way I can.

urinieto commented 8 years ago

@Cortexelus I believe that Autochiptune was developed at one of the monthly hackathons at Spotify in NYC. We might be able to use some of meshuggah's art work and randomly combine it with the original artwork (not sure if we would be infringing any copyright law though...).

@ZVK nice to meet you! This is awesome!

Regarding the hack: what meshuggahme does is to replace (or combine) the onsets of a given track by onsets of a specifically selected Meshuggah track. So, we have analyzed around 30 Meshuggah tracks and chopped them at an onset level, and this becomes the "database" from which to create the meshuggahme tracks. I'm saying this because: 1) This needs around 1.5 GB of hard disk space (which could be reduced if we compress the audio). 2) Since we are using small parts of original Meshuggah songs, would this be a problem in terms of --yet again-- copyright infringement?

ZVK commented 8 years ago


  1. Dadabots has server space for running bots if meshuggahme needs a home.
  2. This is a bit of a grey area in the law. If there is no money being made, then it probably wont be an issue. "Fair use" status is determined by these four factors:
*    the purpose and character of the use
*    the nature of the copyrighted work
*    the amount and substantiality of the portion used
*    the effect of the use on the market for the original

For something like this to be considered fair use, it needs to be transformed enough as to not compete with the original artist for sales. My guess is that meshuggahme may fall under either parody or cultural commentary since the music is so abstracted. The resulting tracks are in the style of Meshuggah but not derivative copies or covers.

Check out this site for more info about fair use multi-media.

Cortexelus commented 8 years ago

@urinieto We're at ISMIR! I'll find you.