urish / angular-moment

Moment.JS directives for Angular.JS (timeago and more)
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Filtering with the display date & not the model date #277

Closed ptitdje45 closed 7 years ago

ptitdje45 commented 7 years ago
 <tr ng-repeat="c in vm.communications | filter:vm.searchText3 | orderBy:vm.order3:vm.reverse3 | limitTo:5">
       <td>{{c.dateCommunication  | amUtc | amLocal | amDateFormat:'ddd D MMMM YYYY à HH:mm'}}</td>
       <td ng-bind-html="c.commentaireCommunication"></td>

How to filter with the displayed date on the screen & not my 2016-10-05 date?

Thanks Jérémy