urish / gulp-add-src

Add more 'src' files at any point in the pipeline (gulp plugin)
86 stars 8 forks source link

We shouldn't need this anymore right? #8

Open cm325 opened 9 years ago

cm325 commented 9 years ago

with gulp version 3.8.0, gulp.src is now a writable passthrough


gswalden commented 9 years ago

I haven't gotten gulp.src() as a passthrough to work, despite that changelog.

zwacky commented 8 years ago

couldn't get passthrough to work either. using merge streams.

var merge = require('merge-stream');

    // merges with the vendor css files
.pipe(plugins.concat(project.name + '-' + project.version + '.css'))
.pipe(plugins.autoprefixer(['> 1%', 'last 3 versions']))
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.build_dir + 'assets/'));
decadence commented 6 years ago

This is only available in Gulp 4. https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/issues/1508#issuecomment-177430083