urish / web-bluetooth-polyfill

Windows 10 Web Bluetooth Polyfill
76 stars 15 forks source link

Puck.js #43

Closed baudenfj closed 6 years ago

baudenfj commented 6 years ago

I am having trouble connecting my puck.js to the website! I followed every step and believe to have installed web-bluetooth-polyfill correctly. When I go to the console in the Webapp I can see the following message

ERROR: NotFoundError: Bluetooth adapter not available. The regular IDE work great on windows for the puck! I can pair everytime! I can not reconstruct but I was able to see the puck in the we pairing window but we I started to pair the console gave me the error that the device was not supported! Very frustrating... trying a MAC next!
urish commented 6 years ago

This polyfill is now deprecated - please use Chrome Canary with native Web Bluetooth instead.