uriyacovy / ESPHome_nuki_lock

ESPHome lock platform for Nuki Smartlock
MIT License
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"Open" does not work with Home Assistant (anymore?) #13

Closed djmaze closed 1 year ago

djmaze commented 1 year ago

At least with a 2022.11.x version of HA, using the "open" function of my new Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 does not work. It works fine from the official app. But when calling the service lock.open from within HA, I get an error in the logs. The backtrace ends like this:

  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 943, in async_request_call
    await coro
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/service.py", line 715, in _handle_entity_call
    await result
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/mqtt/lock.py", line 241, in async_open
KeyError: 'payload_open'

Having a look at the entity in HA, I see that it has supported_features: 0. HA seems to need an explicit config option to be set though, and that seems to be missing here.

haseat commented 1 year ago

Having a look at the entity in HA, I see that it has supported_features: 0.

Works fine for me, but my Nuki 3 has supported_features: 1 in HA. You might want to have a look why it's different in your HA installation.

djmaze commented 1 year ago

Is this a HA thing? Or rather esphome? I did not configure anything in HA pertaining to this, just using MQTT.

djmaze commented 1 year ago

Maybe this only works via the API and not via MQTT?

djmaze commented 1 year ago

It seems payload_open is missing from the configuration, as described in the HA documentation.

I manually added the key "pl_open": "OPEN" (see abbreviations here) to the MQTT discovery topic for the lock. Now I can successfully trigger the lock.open service from within HA.

I am not exactly sure who's at fault here. From a cursory look it seems to me like esphome is missing the required code for supporting the open command in the mqtt config, but this is my first look at this codebase.

uriyacovy commented 1 year ago

Hi @djmaze, I didn't test the component with MQTT component, so I don't have much to add. If you post your yaml, maybe we can try to help further. However, what is the reason you are not using the native HA API? AFAIK, the API is much more recommended.

djmaze commented 1 year ago

I am using MQTT mostly on my devices because it is the only reliable way for use cases where you want to keep the wake time low and doing deep sleep most of the time.

Of course in this case I need a device which is running all the time, so it might make sense to just using the API. Still, this is a bug.

I don't think there is much to see in my configuration:

  name: mobile-thermometer

    - Preferences
    - https://github.com/nkolban/ESP32_BLE_Arduino/
    - https://github.com/uriyacovy/NukiBleEsp32

  - source: github://uriyacovy/ESPHome_nuki_lock

  board: esp32dev

  # Required:
  - platform: nuki_lock
    name: Nuki Lock
      name: "Nuki Paired"
  # Optional:
      name: "Nuki Battery Critical"
      name: "Nuki Battery Level"
      name: "Nuki Door Sensor"
      name: "Nuki Door Sensor State"

  ssid: "xxxxxxx"
  password: "xxxxxxx"

    static_ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    gateway: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    subnet: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


  safe_mode: true
  password: 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
  port: 3232

  broker: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
  discovery: true
  username: 'xxxxxx'
  password: 'xxxxxxxxxxx'

  - platform: status_led
    name: "Status"
    pin: GPIO27
djmaze commented 1 year ago

For now, I am doing a custom mqtt.publish as a workaround. This works for me:

service: mqtt.publish
  topic: DEVICENAME/lock/nuki_lock/command
  payload: OPEN
uriyacovy commented 1 year ago

Thanks for finding the workaround!

djmaze commented 1 year ago

Well.. I think this is still a bug which should be fixed.

uriyacovy commented 1 year ago

The component is not currently implement as an MQTT lock. I am quite surprised that it works as it is does now, but you can try to play with it a bit and see if you can turn it to a native MQTT lock.