uriyacovy / ESPHome_nuki_lock

ESPHome lock platform for Nuki Smartlock
MIT License
60 stars 19 forks source link

Feature request: Open doors with door knobs is missing. #5

Closed shiSHARK closed 1 year ago

shiSHARK commented 1 year ago

The integration works great.

But I'm missing the open door feature. Since my door is with a door knob and not with a handle on the outside I can't open the door from the outside. It will be great to add open functionality as a separate entity.

I really like that it allows me to unlock and lock the door without actually opening it. But there is need for open door button where the outside of the door is using a knob.

uriyacovy commented 1 year ago

Hi @shiSHARK, This is already implemented with HA open service. See here: https://github.com/uriyacovy/ESPHome_nuki_lock/issues/1 Let me know if this doesn't work for you.

harmptor commented 1 year ago

The issue here might be that HA's frontend doesn't show an open button (yet). I filed this esphome issue #3495 and they confirmed it's an issue of HA, not ESPHome.

@shiSHARK try this in 🔨Developer Tools → Services:

service: lock.open
  entity_id: lock.mynuki   (← or whatever your nuki's entity_id is in your HA) 

It should open your nuki door. If that works, you can use it in automations or scripts. Or you could set up a button in ESPHome which you can then use in Lovelace:

# ...
  - platform: template
    name: "Nuki Open"
      - lock.open: mynuki

  - platform: nuki_lock
    id: mynuki
    # ...
uriyacovy commented 1 year ago

Thanks @crixionz. Did you open an issue on HA? @shiSHARK, waiting also for your feedback.

harmptor commented 1 year ago

I did not (yet) @uriyacovy 😐 I want to open a different issue for your component first but am currently procrastinating 😬

uriyacovy commented 1 year ago

Well, I'm on my summer vacation anyway, so take your time :smile:.

uriyacovy commented 1 year ago

Closed due to inactivity.