urlstechie / urlchecker-action

:octocat: :link: GitHub action to extract and check urls in code and documentations.
MIT License
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Feature: Add SARIF Support for URL Checker #109

Open dwertent opened 6 months ago

dwertent commented 6 months ago


This PR adds SARIF support to the urlchecker-action. This enhancement aims to improve the integration of URL-checking results with GitHub Actions, providing more detailed and actionable reports.

How to Use

To enable SARIF output in the GitHub Action workflow, update your workflow file to include the --save results.sarif option:

- name: URL Checker
  uses: urlstechie/urlchecker-action@master
    save: results.sarif
    format: sarif

Linked PR

This PR is linked to urlchecker-python PR #91, which introduces SARIF support in the core urlchecker-python library. The combination of these PRs ensures that URL-checking results can be saved in SARIF format, enhancing static analysis and reporting in CI/CD workflows.