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ncRNA FASTA and BED files, add summary figures to Supplemental #51

Open shedurkin opened 1 month ago

shedurkin commented 1 month ago

As requested by @JillAshey , here are the miRNA FASTA and gff files for all three species. (

Apul FASTA (note this file contains mature, star, and precursor sequences – may need to filter appropriately), Apul gff (note this is a gff file for all clusters, including those not classified as miRNA – will need to filter appropriately. The Cluster names are the same as used in the fasta file) Ptuh FASTA, Ptuh gff Peve FASTA, Peve gff

I've also added a supplemental directory to the repo for everyone to add their summary figures or other supplemental materials!

jarcasariego commented 3 weeks ago

for piRNAs here are the bed files for the clusters: APUL_clust_bed, PTUH_clust_bed, PEVE_clust_bed;