Closed cdeblois closed 9 years ago
I can't recreate this using my own library. Is this a user or group library? Was it working before?
It's a user library. It never worked for me from the beginning. My feeling is that it could be related to a distro package that I'm using that is possible out of date(tainted) or something but I'm not sure which one. It would be greatly appreciated if you have any idea which ones I should consider uninstalling/re-installing? Thanks!
pip freeze
Chameleon==2.6.1 Cheetah==2.4.4 Django==1.6.5 Flask==0.10.1 Jinja2==2.7.3 Landscape-Client==14.01 MarkupSafe==0.23 MySQL-python==1.2.3 PAM==0.4.2 Pillow==2.5.3 PyJWT==0.3.2 PyYAML==3.11 Pyzotero==1.1.2 SOAPpy==0.12.0 SecretStorage==2.0.0 South==0.7.6 Twisted-Core==13.2.0 Twisted-Names==13.2.0 Twisted-Web==13.2.0 VerbalExpressions==0.0.1 Werkzeug==0.9.6 amqp==1.4.6 anyjson==0.3.3 apt-xapian-index==0.45 argcomplete==0.6.3 argh==0.25.0 argparse==1.2.1 arrow==0.4.4 beautifulsoup4==4.1.3 billiard== biopython==1.62 boto==2.8.0 box==0.45.0 boxpython==1.0.5 bzr==2.7.0dev1 bzr-builddeb==2.8.6 celery==3.1.9 certifi==14.05.14 chardet==2.0.1 citeproc-py==0.3.0 cloud-init==0.7.5 colorama==0.2.5 configobj==4.7.2 distro-info==0.12 django-celery==3.1.9 django-jsonfield==0.9.13 django-registration==0.8 django-s3-folder-storage==0.2 django-sslserver==0.14 django-storages==1.1.8 django-supervisor==0.3.2 django-tinymce==1.5.2 django-tools==0.25.1 django.js==0.8.1 dnspython==1.11.1 dropbox==2.2.0 feedparser==5.1.3 fpconst==0.7.2 future==0.14.1 gbp==0.6.9 google-api-python-client==1.3.1 html5lib==0.999 httplib2==0.9 itsdangerous==0.24 jsonpatch==1.3 jsonpointer==1.0 keyring==3.5 kombu==3.0.21 launchpadlib==1.10.2 lazr.restfulclient==0.13.3 lazr.uri==1.0.3 lptools==0.2.0 lxml==3.3.3 meld3==1.0.0 memoized-property==1.0.2 mendeley==0.2.5 mongodbforms==0.2.2 mongoengine==0.8.3 nameparser==0.3.3 nose==1.3.0 oauth==1.0.1 oauth2==1.5.211 oauth2client==1.4.4 oauthlib==0.7.2 paramiko==1.10.0 pathtools==0.1.2 poster==0.8.1 prettytable==0.7.2 pyGravatar==0.0.5 pyOpenSSL==0.13 pyasn1==0.1.7 pyasn1-modules==0.0.5 pycrypto==2.6.1 pycurl==7.19.3 pydns==2.3.6 pygobject==3.12.0 pygpgme==0.3 pymongo==2.5 pyserial==2.6 python-apt== python-dateutil==1.5 python-debian==0.1.21-nmu2ubuntu2 python-debianbts==1.11 python-magic==0.4.6 python-openid==2.2.5 python-social-auth==0.1.26 pytz==2014.4 pyxdg==0.25 rauth==0.7.0 reportbug==6.5.0 requests==2.4.3 requests-oauthlib==0.4.2 rsa==3.1.4 rtfunicode==1.0 rtfw==0.2 simplejson==3.6.5 six==1.8.0 ssh-import-id==3.21 supervisor==3.1.1 ubuntu-dev-tools==0.153 uritemplate==0.6 urllib3==1.7.1 wadllib==1.3.2 watchdog==0.8.1 wheel==0.24.0 wsgiref==0.1.2 xmltodict==0.8.3 zope.interface==4.0.5
The only thing I can imagine is that your Requests
or Urllib3
version is causing a problem. The current Requests version is 2.5.1, while yours is 2.4.3. Similarly, the current Urllib3
version is 1.10.1
I'd start with those.
If that doesn't work, try creating a blank virtualenv, and installing Pyzotero into that. At least that'll allow you to eliminate (or confirm) the possibility of an out-of-date or shadowed library.
After uninstalling and reinstalling the following:
feedparser==5.1.3 pytz==2014.10 Pyzotero==1.1.3 requests==2.5.1 six==1.9.0
Everything works now....Sorry to take your time here.
Have file id from getting item. When I try to download the file I get the following.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? I can take the above URL and put into the browser and the file comes right up.