urschrei / simplification

Very fast Python line simplification using either the RDP or Visvalingam-Whyatt algorithm implemented in Rust
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Support for LANG algorythm #27

Open theroggy opened 2 years ago

theroggy commented 2 years ago


I wonder if you would be interested to add the LANG algorythm to your simplification library.

I already used you library for simplification with ramer-douglas-peucker and visvalingam-whyatt, but when testing some different algorythms to simplify vectors that resulted from a vectorizing raster images I had the best results with LANG.

So, I implemented LANG (or at least something very similar to it) in python.

However, performance wise, it should (at least might) be significantly faster in rust... and since I am facing a bottleneck caused by the simplification in some processes... I wondered...

This is the code in python:

def simplify_coords_lang(
        coords: Union[np.ndarray, list],
        tolerance: float,
        lookahead: int) -> Union[np.ndarray, list]:
    Simplify a line using lang algorithm.
        coords (Union[np.ndarray, list]): list of coordinates to be simplified.
        tolerance (float): distance tolerance to use.
        lookahead (int, optional): the number of points to consider for removing
            in a moving window. Defaults to 8.
        Return the coordinates kept after simplification. 
        If input coords is np.ndarray, returns np.ndarray, otherwise returns a list.

    # Init variables 
    if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray):
        coords_arr = coords
        coords_arr = np.array(list(coords))

    # Determine the coordinates that need to be kept 
    coords_to_keep_idx = simplify_coords_lang_idx(
    coords_simplified_arr = coords_arr[coords_to_keep_idx]

    # If input was np.ndarray, return np.ndarray, otherwise list
    if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray):
        return coords_simplified_arr
        return coords_simplified_arr.tolist()

def simplify_coords_lang_idx(
        coords: Union[np.ndarray, list],
        tolerance: float,
        lookahead: int = 8) -> Union[np.ndarray, list]:
    Simplify a line using lang algorithm and return the coordinate indexes to 
    be kept.
    Inspiration for the implementation came from:
        * https://github.com/giscan/Generalizer/blob/master/simplify.py
        * https://github.com/keszegrobert/polyline-simplification/blob/master/6.%20Lang.ipynb
        * https://web.archive.org/web/20171005193700/http://web.cs.sunyit.edu/~poissad/projects/Curve/about_algorithms/lang.php
        coords (Union[np.ndarray, list]): list of coordinates to be simplified.
        tolerance (float): distance tolerance to use.
        lookahead (int, optional): the number of points to consider for removing
            in a moving window. Defaults to 8.
        Return the indexes of coordinates that need to be kept after 
        If input coords is np.ndarray, returns np.ndarray, otherwise returns a list.  

    def point_line_distance(point_x, point_y, line_x1, line_y1, line_x2, line_y2) -> float:
        denominator = math.sqrt((line_x2-line_x1)*(line_x2-line_x1)+(line_y2-line_y1)*(line_y2-line_y1))
        if denominator == 0:
            return float('Inf')
            numerator = abs((line_x2-line_x1)*(line_y1-point_y)-(line_x1-point_x)*(line_y2-line_y1)) 
            return numerator/denominator

    # Init variables 
    if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray):
        line_arr = coords
        line_arr = np.array(list(coords))

    # Prepare lookahead
    nb_points = len(line_arr)
    if lookahead == -1:
        window_size = nb_points-1
        window_size = min(lookahead, nb_points-1)

    #mask = np.ones(nb_points), dtype='bool')
    mask = np.zeros(nb_points, dtype='bool')
    mask[0] = True
    window_start = 0
    window_end = window_size

    # Apply simplification till the window_start arrives at the last point.
    ready = False
    while ready is False:
        # Check if all points between window_start and window_end are within  
        # tolerance distance to the line (window_start, window_end).
        all_points_in_tolerance = True
        for i in range(window_start+1, window_end):
            distance = point_line_distance(
                    line_arr[i, 0], line_arr[i, 1],
                    line_arr[window_start, 0], line_arr[window_start, 1],
                    line_arr[window_end, 0], line_arr[window_end, 1])
            # If distance is nan (= linepoint1 == linepoint2) or > tolerance
            if distance > tolerance:
                all_points_in_tolerance = False

        # If not all the points are within the tolerance distance... 
        if not all_points_in_tolerance:
            # Move window_end to previous point, and try again
            window_end -= 1
            # All points are within the tolerance, so they can be masked
            mask[window_end] = True
            #mask[window_start+1:window_end-1] = False

            # Move the window forward
            window_start = window_end
            if window_start == nb_points - 1:
                ready = True
            window_end = window_start + window_size
            if window_end >= nb_points: 
                window_end = nb_points - 1

    # Prepare result: convert the mask to a list of indices of points to keep. 
    idx_to_keep_arr = mask.nonzero()[0]

    # If input was np.ndarray, return np.ndarray, otherwise list
    if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray):
        return idx_to_keep_arr
        return idx_to_keep_arr.tolist()