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chickadee, a chicken-doc web server
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Installing chickadee after upgrading to CHICKEN Scheme 5.3.0 (installed using homebrew on macOS) puts the .../share/chickadee directory in the wrong place #1

Open tkurtbond opened 2 years ago

tkurtbond commented 2 years ago

This is on macOS using CHICKEN Scheme 5.3.0 installed using homebrew.

After installing chicken-doc and then chickadee, but now when I run "chickadee serve" I get the following message:

$ chickadee  serve

Error: (change-directory) cannot change current directory - No such file or directory: "/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0/share/chicken/chickadee"

Call history:

spiffy.scm:548: chicken.condition#with-exception-handler
spiffy.scm:548: ##sys#call-with-values
spiffy.scm:548: scheme#eval
<syntax>  (let () (import openssl) ssl-port?)
<syntax>  (##core#let () (import openssl) ssl-port?)
spiffy.scm:548: k691
spiffy.scm:547: g694
spiffy.scm:610: dynamic-import
spiffy.scm:548: scheme#call-with-current-continuation
spiffy.scm:548: chicken.condition#with-exception-handler
spiffy.scm:548: ##sys#call-with-values
spiffy.scm:548: scheme#eval
<syntax>  (let () (import openssl) ssl-port->tcp-port)
<syntax>  (##core#let () (import openssl) ssl-port->tcp-port)
spiffy.scm:548: k691
spiffy.scm:547: g694   <--

And, indeed, that directory is missing. I've uninstalled chickadee and installed it again, but that made no difference.

The chickadee.install.sh commands that create .../share/chicken and copy the directory chickadee to it use /usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0/share/chicken instead of /usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0/share/chicken.  That is, it repeats the /usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0 part, so the files end up in the wrong place. Here are the commands from chickadee.install.sh:

mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}"'/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0/share/chicken
cp -v -r '/Users/tkb/.cache/chicken-install/chickadee/chickadee' "${DESTDIR}"'/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/5.3.0/share/chicken'

So, something is going wrong when chickadee.install.sh is generated.

tkurtbond commented 2 years ago

Ken Lovett pointed out on the chicken-users mailing list that there is a similar bug report on in the Chicken bug database: https://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/1721