Closed skzinzuwadia closed 11 years ago
Scoreloop::Score * score = new Scoreloop::Score(); ///score->setScore(100);
This can't be compiled and compiler must tell you about it ;)
And this code wrong too.
Example of working code is:
Scoreloop::ScoreController::SubmitScore(controller, 100, 1, 2, 3);
Can please let me know what arg need to pass as context
You can omit this argument. It only used if you want associate some data with score.
Other thing is my app is also crashing due to Please ensure that dynamic library (.so) with your game compiled and linked without error.
Hi, I am new on C++ and Cocos2dx. I need to submit score to scoreloop.
Cocos2dx := cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4 Platform := Android I have done following steps. 1.In Android side i have added jar and in assests. 2.I made new pakcket com.ursinepaw.scoreloop and add 3.add new application class in onCreate Client.init(this, secret, null); 4.add and scoreloop.h file in classes folder. 5.add jni_scoreloop.ccp in littel modification in Scoreloop.,h // Copyright (c) 2012
pragma once
include "jni/JniHelper.h"
namespace Scoreloop
and in jni_scoreloop.ccp
include "Scoreloop.h"
using namespace cocos2d; 6.In AppDelegate.ccp AppDelegate::~AppDelegate() { //scoreloop shut down Scoreloop::Client::Shutdown(); } pDirector->runWithScene(pScene);
now i hellow word i have added code on button click Scoreloop::Score * score = new Scoreloop::Score(); score->setScore(100);
Can please let me know what arg need to pass as context Other thing is my app is also crashing due to Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: reloc_library[1306]: 37 cannot locate '_ZN9Scoreloop6Client8ShutdownEv'...
Can you please helpe me out,if possible then please provide me sample example.
Thank you.