uruk-project / Jwt

JSON Web Token implementation for .Net & .Net Core
MIT License
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Token fails validation with status = NotYetValid #489

Closed godefroi closed 4 years ago

godefroi commented 4 years ago

I have a token that was retrieved from Auth0, and issued a few minutes ago. When I validate the token with .EnableLifetimeValidation(), the validation fails, with Status being NotYetValid. The code that does the validation is as follows:

var policy = new TokenValidationPolicyBuilder()

var reader = new JwtReader();
var header = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(req.Headers[HeaderNames.Authorization]);
var result = reader.TryReadToken(header.Parameter, policy);

Console.WriteLine($"now is {DateTime.UtcNow} {DateTime.UtcNow.Kind}");
Console.WriteLine($"not before {result.Token.NotBefore} {result.Token.NotBefore?.Kind}");
Console.WriteLine($"issued at {result.Token.IssuedAt} {result.Token.IssuedAt?.Kind}");
Console.WriteLine($"expiration time {result.Token.ExpirationTime} {result.Token.ExpirationTime?.Kind}");

The output of this validation is as follows:


now is 9/17/2020 9:49:05 PM Utc
not before
issued at 9/17/2020 9:09:54 PM Utc
expiration time 9/18/2020 9:09:54 PM Utc

The current time is definitely between the "issued at" and the "expires at" times, but the validation still fails. Is there something I am doing wrong?

ycrumeyrolle commented 4 years ago

There is an issue with token lifetime validation when the JWT does not have a 'nbf' claim. All the tests are done with either 'exp' & 'nbf' present of missing, but not without 'nbf' only.... (since it is very common). I a looking for a fix.

ycrumeyrolle commented 4 years ago

Fixed in version 1.8