us3rT0m / OnlyUP-Trainer

⚠️ I am no longer responsible for the development or maintenance of this project. ⚠️ New official project is on @Edgarflc repository
MIT License
54 stars 14 forks source link

DOES NOT WORK. "Impossible de trouver la fenêtre du jeu." #14

Open cxpaysley opened 10 months ago

cxpaysley commented 10 months ago

I have tried everything possible to get this trainer to work. I have the paid version of "Only Up" on steam, I bought it 2 days before it got delisted.

I have followed the steps of starting the game and fully loading in, then pressing the "Initialize Trainer" button to start the mod, and nothing works. I get the same repetitive message on ALL VERSIONS of the mod. I followed the same steps with the latest released mod and the first/oldest mod. None of them work.

I'm beginning to believe that its never going to work because of the fact that the game got delisted and somehow that's causing this issue of the trainer mod and other mods not being able to detect the app. Very disappointed, hope this can be fixed eventually.

you can see all my proof of everything in the screenshots below:

Screenshot 2023-09-08 174450

Screenshot 2023-09-08 174625

Screenshot 2023-09-08 174856

wRadion commented 10 months ago

This is unfortunate timing but the trainer currently does not work with the last version of the game (released like 2 days ago).

Cheezle124 commented 1 month ago

I'm surprised this hasnt been posted sooner. Because I'm not really that knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff, and the only experience I have is from modding FO4.

If you have the legit copy of the game. Downgrade it first by grabbing the old files from the steam depot.

-Command to paste into windows box: steam://open/console -Download code: download_depot 2381590 2381591 4214320476322558159

-Delete all of the Sept 09 files from your steam folder. (Or, optionally, save them elsewhere) -Replace them with the files you just got from the depot. (File date should be 06/19) -Find the appmanifest for 2381590 and set it to read-only so Steam can't force an update.

-Install the trainer as per usual. 2.4 and 3.0 should work properly.
-... -Profit?

Hope this helps someone.