usadellab / Trimmomatic

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Error in tempfile() #61

Open tdyoshida opened 7 months ago

tdyoshida commented 7 months ago

I've been using trimmomatic on my local computer and have had no issues. When I tried to run basically the same script on HPC, I encountered the following error.

Error in tempfile() using template /local/tmp/<my-user-name>.2465773/parXXXXX.par: Parent directory (/local/tmp/<my-user-name>.2465773/) does not exist at /bin/parallel line 5414.
Trimmomatic failed.

Above, <my-user-name> is my username for the HPC. I thought this might be file permission issue regarding /local/tmp, but could not find any information how to solve the problem.

I use Trimmomatic 0.39, and the code is as below:

java -jar ${trimmomatic_app} PE -threads 8 ${fastq} ${fastq_trimmed} ILLUMINACLIP:${adapterfile}:2:30:10 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:30

I appreciate your help!