usadellab / Trimmomatic

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Installing #66

Open lynneitelson opened 3 months ago

lynneitelson commented 3 months ago


I downloaded and unzipped the folder, and ran the following code on cmd:

java -jar Trimmomatic-Src-0.39.jar PE -threads 32 -phred33 \ R1_001.fastq R2_001.fastq \ R1_001_R1_paired.fastq R1_001_unpaired.fastq \R2_001_paired.fastq R2_001_unpaired.fastq \ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 AVGQUAL:20 MINLEN:140 CROP:140

Error: Unable to access jarfile Trimmomatic-Src-0.39.jar

I put the diroctory in enviromental variables, i dont understand why its not working/where is the correct JAR file. Thank you