usagi-flow / evil-helix

Bringing the Helix editor to the evil side
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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DI Commands not working #40

Open theshatterstone opened 1 month ago

theshatterstone commented 1 month ago


What's wrong: Helix uses the default colourscheme and seemingly acts as itself rather than as it should be. (EDIT: The colourscheme issue seems to already exist as #8 ) And yet, some changes are there (w and b for movements, VIS instead of SEL, etc). Can confirm that the helix config as been removed, then replaced with an empty file and so far it didn't change anything. (EDIT: This entire issue seems to be related to #29 but also, the first line of the log when running with RUST_BACKTRACE=1, seems to indicate Evil mode is not enabled and it somehow should be? Though the README doesn't mention anything of the sort)

Reproduction Steps

I tried this: 1. `hx file.txt` 2. www 3. bbb 4. jjjjjj 5. diw 6. di" 7. di[ 8. di] I expected this to happen: I was focused on code in the format: ``` os.environ["XCURSOR_SIZE"] = "24" ``` I was specifically tried focusing on different characters within `XCURSOR_SIZE` so I'd be inside the "" and inside the [] and I tried to Delete Inside "" and Delete Inside [], for the [] I tried both `di[` and `di]`. I can confirm it wasn't a caps lock issue as when I tried i for insert mode, I went into insert mode. After toggling caps lock again, and pressing ` i `, I went to the beginning of the line so it wasn't a caps lock issue. When I was trying the delete inside commands, I had the d and i showing and detected at the right on the bottom line (the one under the modeline, I believe it's called the status line). Of course, I expected to get the text deleted but upon pressing any of " [ or ], I got a "Command Interrupted" in the status line. The `diw` or Delete Inside Word, seems to work, however. NOTE: I should mention I tried installing the latest version from the releases page (20240716) as well as the previous one (20240618) and had the same result. ### Helix log (It was an empty file, below is the result with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 as mentioned in the bug report issue form) 2024-08-06T17:57:45.109 helix_term::config [INFO] Evil mode not set in local/global config 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/Dockerfile.*", re: "(?-u)^.*/Dockerfile\\..*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('D'), Literal('o'), Literal('c'), Literal('k'), Literal('e'), Literal('r'), Literal('f'), Literal('i'), Literal('l'), Literal('e'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/dockerfile.*", re: "(?-u)^.*/dockerfile\\..*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('d'), Literal('o'), Literal('c'), Literal('k'), Literal('e'), Literal('r'), Literal('f'), Literal('i'), Literal('l'), Literal('e'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/Containerfile.*", re: "(?-u)^.*/Containerfile\\..*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('C'), Literal('o'), Literal('n'), Literal('t'), Literal('a'), Literal('i'), Literal('n'), Literal('e'), Literal('r'), Literal('f'), Literal('i'), Literal('l'), Literal('e'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/containerfile.*", re: "(?-u)^.*/containerfile\\..*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('c'), Literal('o'), Literal('n'), Literal('t'), Literal('a'), Literal('i'), Literal('n'), Literal('e'), Literal('r'), Literal('f'), Literal('i'), Literal('l'), Literal('e'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/.*ignore", re: "(?-u)^.*/\\..*ignore$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore, Literal('i'), Literal('g'), Literal('n'), Literal('o'), Literal('r'), Literal('e')]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/BUILD.*", re: "(?-u)^.*/BUILD\\..*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('B'), Literal('U'), Literal('I'), Literal('L'), Literal('D'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/.env.*", re: "(?-u)^.*/\\.env\\..*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('.'), Literal('e'), Literal('n'), Literal('v'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/.envrc.*", re: "(?-u)^.*/\\.envrc\\..*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('.'), Literal('e'), Literal('n'), Literal('v'), Literal('r'), Literal('c'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/conf/*/*.{inc,conf}", re: "(?-u)^.*/conf/.*/.*\\.(?:conf|inc)$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('c'), Literal('o'), Literal('n'), Literal('f'), Literal('/'), ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), ZeroOrMore, Literal('.'), Alternates([Tokens([Literal('c'), Literal('o'), Literal('n'), Literal('f')]), Tokens([Literal('i'), Literal('n'), Literal('c')])])]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "*/Jenkinsfile.*", re: "(?-u)^.*/Jenkinsfile\\..*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: false, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([ZeroOrMore, Literal('/'), Literal('J'), Literal('e'), Literal('n'), Literal('k'), Literal('i'), Literal('n'), Literal('s'), Literal('f'), Literal('i'), Literal('l'), Literal('e'), Literal('.'), ZeroOrMore]) } 2024-08-06T17:57:45.125 globset [DEBUG] built glob set; 1 literals, 0 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 124 suffixes, 8 required extensions, 10 regexes 2024-08-06T17:57:45.127 helix_view::clipboard [DEBUG] Using wl-copy+wl-paste to interact with the system and selection (primary) clipboard 2024-08-06T17:57:45.128 helix_tui::backend::crossterm [DEBUG] The keyboard enhancement protocol is supported in this terminal (checked in 124.879µs) 2024-08-06T17:57:45.128 helix_view::document [DEBUG] id 1 modified - last saved: 0, current: 0 2024-08-06T17:57:45.378 helix_term::application [DEBUG] received editor event: IdleTimer 2024-08-06T17:57:46.422 helix_view::document [DEBUG] id 1 modified - last saved: 0, current: 0 2024-08-06T17:57:46.650 helix_term::commands::typed [DEBUG] quitting... 2024-08-06T17:57:46.650 helix_view::document [DEBUG] id 1 modified - last saved: 0, current: 0 2024-08-06T17:57:46.672 helix_term::application [DEBUG] received editor event: IdleTimer 2024-08-06T17:57:46.812 helix_term::commands::typed [DEBUG] quitting... 2024-08-06T17:57:46.812 helix_view::document [DEBUG] id 1 modified - last saved: 0, current: 0 2024-08-06T17:57:46.812 helix_term::job [DEBUG] waiting on jobs... 2024-08-06T17:57:46.812 helix_term::job [DEBUG] waiting on jobs... ### Platform Linux (amd64) ### Terminal Emulator foot version: 1.17.2 ### Installation Method releases page, as described in the Installation Section of the README ### Helix Version evil-helix (2dc286a4, helix 24.3)
usagi-flow commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the detailed info!

I can indeed confirm that diw works, but di", di[ and di] don't work yet, much like cf( as you correctly noted.

That's because the "inner word" modifier (i) is implemented, but the "find char" modifier (f) is not. And then we have these dynamic motion keys like " and [ which do not denote a motion in this context, but rather a parameter for the modifier. This needs to be implemented as well.

I'm putting these pretty high up on my personal TODO list, because I also consider these important "core" Vim behavior.

theshatterstone commented 1 month ago

@usagi-flow Alright, thank you! Also, what is the "Evil mode not set in local/global config" about? Is there anything I did wrong? That's the main thing I was curious about.

usagi-flow commented 1 month ago

Ahh yes, I realize that may be a bit confusing: It basically says that you didn't explicitly enable or disable evil-mode anywhere. The idea behind that is that users can, if they wish so, completely disable the modifications of this fork and start "vanilla" Helix without needing another build.

So the tl;dr is that you can safely ignore the message.

I'll extend the log message a bit (to something like "Evil mode not explicitly set in local/global config, will enable by default") and definitely change the log level to Debug, because under normal circumstances, the message has no value for the user.

theshatterstone commented 1 month ago

Great! But wouldn't it be helpful to add this to the README, so people know they can switch back to regular helix and how to do that in the config?

usagi-flow commented 1 month ago

Good idea, I was just about to merge some clarifications, might as well add that to the README.