usbong / UsbongKit

A framework for reading and displaying contents of Usbong Trees
Apache License 2.0
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SWXMLHash 3.04 from Cartfile.resolved, incorrect version? #36

Open masarapmabuhay opened 7 years ago

masarapmabuhay commented 7 years ago

Salut! I've finally updated to macOS Sierra (10.12.4) and am now using Xcode 8.3.2. I downloaded both the LIKHA repo and the UsbongKit repo from GitHub.

I noticed that the UsbongKit folder in the LIKHA repo is not the updated version, so I copy-pasted the contents of the UsbongKit repo to the one in LIKHA.

As you advised, I have to use Carthage, so I downloaded and installed Homebrew. Afterwards, I did: brew install carthage, as indicated in the Installing Carthage guideline.

After going to the UsbongKit folder in LIKHA, where Cartfile.resolved file exists, and doing: carthage bootstrap --platform iOS, the following are the resulting output messages:

Checking out SWXMLHash at "3.0.4" Checking out Zip at "0.7.0" xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/kw/y7gfbprd6xx736ssrkzfc7dr0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.KJN3ok.log Building scheme "SWXMLHash iOS" in SWXMLHash.xcworkspace *** Building scheme "Zip" in Zip.xcodeproj

It seems that this was a success, since there were no errors or warnings that appeared. However, when I opened the LIKHA workspace in Xcode, I was notified that SWXMLHash needs to be converted to Swift 3. I then auto-converted it, and the following errors appear when I do build.

screen shot 2017-05-13 at 4 41 22 pm

Could it be that version 3.0.4 of SWXMLHash in Cartfile.resolved is not the correct one?

S'il te plaît.

Merci beaucoup!