usc-csci201-fall2013 / simcity201

SimCity 201 Public Repository
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6 Restaurants #62

Open waynchi opened 10 years ago

waynchi commented 10 years ago

Since the previous issue was close, I'll start a new topic.

Do we need 6 restaurants to receive full credit for the restaurant portion of our v1. This means not minimal (a.k.a a C) This means an 100% for the restaurant portion.

colortheskyjade commented 10 years ago

I think the last issue was closed for a reason and repeatedly readdressing this issue won't resolve anything.

smoran02 commented 10 years ago

I don't think it's unreasonable to try to clarify requirements. I am confused about this also. The issue that had the options for reducing the scope of the assignment made it seem like one restaurant would be acceptable for v1, but all should be in v2. My team has been proceeding with that plan, and now we're not sure if that is okay or not.

I'm not grubbing for points I am legitimately confused about what is acceptable for the assignment.

nchootong commented 10 years ago

Honestly it has come to the point of all our team members busting off our asses to create and implement as much as we can by the deadline, and tossing in whatever we can with the intent of finishing at least the minimum at this point. This means if we finish the minimum we just keep going. There has been little sleep for the past few days.

I'm pretty sure many teams are doing all nighters even if they have met regularly over the week. I mean what else can we do.

waynchi commented 10 years ago

Also, this is not merely a grading issue; it is a team dynamic issue. If I, as the team leader, am unable to know what exactly I must deliver, I am unable to organize the team in such a way so that everyone gets the same amount of work.

lshiffer commented 10 years ago

My team and I had interpreted the "Suicidal Thoughts" thread as reducing the requirements necessary to fulfill the assignment in it's entirety. Not to earn a 'pass'.

My team and I strive for 'A's but more than an A, we strive to fulfill our assignments in their entirety. That said, given the post in question, which was made prior to our mid-weekly team meeting, we decided to invest more heavily in our programs animation and functionality. As such, we diverted team members from working on their Restaurants to creating a better City.

Learning now that the requirements did NOT change, we are at a loss. The enhanced animation and functionality of our program had already been heavily invested in and are scheduled to be ready for our release by Tuesday. However, if our interpretation was false, those features need to be benched so everyone can work on their restaurants now instead.

On the surface, this doesn't seem like a big deal. Bench the enhanced animation/functionality and get the restaurants finished. Unfortunately, that would leave us with no animation and little functionality as my team chose to implement a much more sophisticated system for those two areas of our program due to the reduction in requirements we interpreted that is still under development.

That unfinished system is heavily entrenched across our program and to now bench that enhanced system so those members of the team can work on their restaurant, we now also need members to design a more simple system AND also get their restaurants done AND remove the dependents on the unfinished system all while still troubleshooting what is currently finished and implementing low-priority requirements that we were saving for the last 48 hours.

As such, my team and I request clarification on the requirements necessary for our assignment to be considered complete so we may best adjust our focus to deliver a complete assignment.