uscuni / simplification

Simplification of street network geometry
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curate stuff in `simplification_protocol.ipynb`? #70

Open jGaboardi opened 1 week ago

jGaboardi commented 1 week ago
martinfleis commented 1 week ago


Where do we think it should go // be named?


Where is the data?

Await a PR :)

jGaboardi commented 1 week ago


Within the notebook, are the "input_file" the original OSM roads data?

For example:

{'case': 'Case 11 - Cloverleaf interchange', 'input_file':'1133_output.gpkg', ...

Does '1133_output.gpkg' refer to the data now found in: data/1133/roads_osm.parquet?

jGaboardi commented 1 week ago


@Kryndlea @dancejod If yall have any input on this I am happy to hear it.

martinfleis commented 6 days ago

@jGaboardi each of the GPKG contains two layers. Input and output. I thought you were aware since you were converting them to parquet? If not, can you verify that you converted a correct layer?

jGaboardi commented 6 days ago

@jGaboardi each of the GPKG contains two layers. Input and output. I thought you were aware since you were converting them to parquet? If not, can you verify that you converted a correct layer?

Nope, I completely misunderstood. I had thought the .gpkg files were simply a different format of the singular output and saved them back as manual/<FUA>.parquet files. Good thing we caught that now. I'll open another ticket and update the data.

What do we think would be better:

  1. two 2 subdirs: manual/input/<FUA>.parquet & manual/output/<FUA>.parquet; or
  2. one subdir: manual/<FUA>_input.parquet ... manual/<FUA>_output.parquet

cc @anastassiavybornova

martinfleis commented 6 days ago

We have input already here as roads_osm.parquet, so I think we can ignore the input layer of the GPKG.

@Kryndlea @dancejod the input is not changed in any way, right?

jGaboardi commented 6 days ago

We have input already here as roads_osm.parquet, so I think we can ignore the input layer of the GPKG.

@Kryndlea @dancejod the input is not changed in any way, right?

Ah, yeah. That's what I said above.

So if that's the case, we're all good.

anastassiavybornova commented 6 days ago

hi! just to say that i was aware of this, so the two manually simplified parquet files i uploaded were already preprocessed (extracting the output layer from the gpkg that i got from gdrive). but might be irrelevant by now if we (aka james) will redo all the manual data uploading? anyways. +1 for not adding another subdirectory, and just saving the output layer directly into the manual folder.

martinfleis commented 6 days ago

So if that's the case, we're all good.

the only thing I am not sure is whether you have always read the output layer from the GPKG

jGaboardi commented 6 days ago

I am going to double check what's in there from #71 just to make sure

jGaboardi commented 6 days ago

So if that's the case, we're all good.

the only thing I am not sure is whether you have always read the output layer from the GPKG

Exactly. I thought there was only 1 layer in those, so I wasn't specifying a layer

dancejod commented 6 days ago

We have input already here as roads_osm.parquet, so I think we can ignore the input layer of the GPKG.

@Kryndlea @dancejod the input is not changed in any way, right?

Yes, the input is not changed.

martinfleis commented 6 days ago

I thought there was only 1 layer in those, so I wasn't specifying a layer

GeoPandas 1.0 released earlier today would warn you about that 😉