When you generate a treasury report, it does not always include recent changes and it is not clear how long you need to wait for changes to be incorporated. This makes it confusing to know if you are getting up to date information when you pull the treasury report
Current State
When you generate a treasury report, it send an email almost immediately, but recent changes are often not reflected.
Expected State
When you click the "Send Treasury Report by Email" button, you should receive a confirmation pop-up that says "Your Treasury Report will be delivered to your email shortly and will include the latest valid uploads as of DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS" - the date and time should reflect the date/time stamp from database of the last valid upload.
Ideally the treasury report email should add a line beneath "Your treasury report can be downloaded here" - the new link should say "This treasury reports includes valid uploads as of DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS" - reflecting the same date/time stamp from the database that displayed on the pop-up.
The pop-up should match styles used for the confirmation pop-up when you certify a reporting period
Implementation Plan
Indicate an easy way on the front-end for users to know whether the report is going to be stale based on dynamodb lock.
*more details needed
Why is this issue important?
When you generate a treasury report, it does not always include recent changes and it is not clear how long you need to wait for changes to be incorporated. This makes it confusing to know if you are getting up to date information when you pull the treasury report
Current State
When you generate a treasury report, it send an email almost immediately, but recent changes are often not reflected.
Expected State
Implementation Plan
Indicate an easy way on the front-end for users to know whether the report is going to be stale based on dynamodb lock. *more details needed
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