usdot-jpo-ode / wzdx

The Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) Specification aims to make harmonized work zone data provided by infrastructure owners and operators (IOOs) available for third party use, making travel on public roads safer and more efficient through ubiquitous access to data on work zone activity.
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Add field device feature and specific field device objects in new SwzDeviceFeed #208

Closed j-d-b closed 2 years ago

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

This draft PR addresses #191 and #195 by defining models for smart work zone field devices and integrating them into the WZDx specification through a new feed called the SwzDeviceFeed.

Specifically, this PR adds a new GeoJSON feature type called FieldDeviceFeature. The FieldDeviceFeature can describe several types of field devices as enumerated by the new FieldDeviceType enumerated type and more can be added as the specification evolves.

Previously, WZDx only defined one type of feature, the RoadEventFeature, which occurs within the WZDxFeed. To not modify the WZDxFeed which is designed for providing work zone road event information to the traveling public, the FieldDeviceFeature occurs within a new SwzDeviceFeed (see #191 for background discussion) designed for providing deployed field device information.

The only effect to the WZDxFeed is that the RoadEventFeedInfo and RoadEventDataSource objects were renamed to FeedInfo and FeedDataSource as they now apply to more than just road events. Note this has no change in the structure or content of a WZDx feed.

New Objects

Object Description
ArrowBoard An electronic, connected arrow board which can display an arrow pattern to direct traffic.
Camera A camera device deployed in the field, capable of capturing still images.
DynamicMessageSign An electronic traffic sign deployed on the roadway, used to provide information to travelers.
FlashingBeacon A flashing beacon light of any form (e.g. trailer-mounted, vehicle), used to indicate something or capture driver attention.
FieldDeviceFeature The GeoJSON Feature container object for a deployed field device.
FieldDeviceCoreDetails The core details—both configuration and current state—of a field device that are shared by all types of field devices.
HybridSign A hybrid sign that contains static text (e.g. on an aluminum sign) along with a single electronic message display, used to provide information to travelers.
LocationMarker Describes any GPS-enabled ITS device that is placed at a point on a roadway to dynamically know the location of something (often the beginning or end of a work zone).
MarkedLocation Describes a specific location where a LocationMarker is placed, such as the start or end of a work zone road event.
SwzDeviceFeed The root (highest level) object of a smart work zone devices feed.
TrafficSensor A traffic sensor deployed on a roadway which captures traffic metrics (e.g. speed, volume, occupancy) over a collection interval.
TrafficSensorLaneData Data for a single lane within a RoadEvent measured by a TrafficSensor deployed on the roadway.

New enumerated types

Enumerated Type Description
ArrowBoardPattern A list of options for the posted pattern on an ArrowBoard.
FlashingBeaconFunction Describes options for what a FlashingBeacon is being used to indicate.
HybridSignDynamicMessageFunction Describes options for the function of the variable message displayed by the electronic display on a HybridSign.
FieldDeviceStatus The operational status of a field device.
FieldDeviceType The type of a field device.
MarkedLocationType Describes options for what a MarkedLocation can mark, such as the start or end of a road event.

WZDx Feeds

Feed Name Description Producer Consumer Uses Content
WZDxFeed (existing) Provides information about events ocurring on roadways (called "road events") such as work zones that impact the characteristics of the roadway and involve a change the roadway from the default state (e.g. a lane closure). The WZDxFeed is the original work zone data exchange feed, focused on describing high-level information about road work. Agencies responsible for managing roadways and road work, typically state and local DOTs. Traveling public via third parties such as mapping companies and CAVs. Route planning; increased awareness; "put work zones on the map" Work zone and detour road events (see RoadEventFeature).
SwzDeviceFeed (new) Provides information (location, status, live data) about field devices deployed on the roadway in work zones. Smart work zone equipment manufacturers or vendors. Agencies responsible for managing roadways and permitting work, typically state and local DOTs who are often interested in producing a WZDxFeed. Third-parties such as mapping companies and CAVs may also be interested in field device information. Simplifies design process for agencies wanting to interface with equipment manufacturers; aids in dynamically generating a WZDx feed with accurate information; reduces effort for manufacturers to conform to different agencies requirements. Field devices (see FieldDeviceFeature).

Data Flow

                                                                                 | Various
                                                                                 | Additional Inputs
                                                                       +------------------+            +----------------+
                                                                       |                  |    WZDx    |                |
                                                                       |     DOT or       |    Feed    |    Traveling   |
                                                           +---------> |  Similar Agency  | ---------> |     Public     |
  Deployed Field    Lower-Level   +------------------+     |           |                  |            |                |
     Devices       Communication  |                  |     |           +------------------+            +----------------+
+---+ +---+ +---+    Protocols    |    Equipment     | ----+  Swz                |
|   | |   | |   |  -------------> |   Manufacturer   |       Device              | WZDxFeed                     ^
+---+ +---+ +---+                 |    or Vendor     | ----+  Feed               v                              |
                                  |                  |     |           +------------------+                     |
                                  +------------------+     |           |   Third-Party    |                     |
                                                           +---------> |   Stakeholders   | --------------------+
                                                                       |  (e.g. mapping   |
                                                                       |  companies, CAVs)|

This PR is a draft for demonstration of the new models and how they will be integrated into the WZDx specification. The PR is a draft as it can not be finalized or merged until other v4.0 PRs are merged to the release branch (v4.0-release) as it would create a huge amount of unresolvable merge conflicts and a lot of manual work. This PR does not update examples files or the object diagram. It does include fully complete documentation for all the new objects and a new JSON schema for the new smart work zone device feed.

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

Following a comment from @sknick-iastate in the SWZ Subgroup meeting on 2021-09-27, it is clear that there should be an equivalent of the RoadEventDataSource for field devices.

Since the RoadEventDataSource is becoming generic in #209, it can be used for field device features. Thus if #209 passes, the only change needed in this PR is for a data_source_id property to be added to the FieldDeviceCoreDetails object. This change cannot be implemented until #209 is resolved.

Edit: I struck out the above line and added the data_source_id in this PR.

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

Following spec update co-chairs discussion on 2021-09-30 and swz co-chairs discussion on 2021-10-01 regarding #191, this PR was updated to include the FieldDeviceFeature in a new feed.

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

Should HybridSign dynamic_message_text property be optional to be consistent with DynamicMessageSign message_multi_string being optional to allow representing HybridSign devices that don't current have a message posted?

Edit: I decided yes, so I made the change.

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

I made some small formatting/typo changes and added some comments - please review when you get a chance. Thanks.

Thank you @chuehlien for some critical fixes and quality changes 🎉

sergebeaudry commented 2 years ago

I would suggest to change the DynamicMessagesSign object name to ChangeableMessageSign or simply MessageSign.

Those terms are in process to be refined by ASHTO, MUTCD and NEMA TS4. currently they are mixed and they should not. The umbrella term is going to be CMS (ChangeableMessageSign) as currently used in MUTCD (chapter 2L)

Changeable Message Sign—a sign that is capable of displaying more than one message (one of which might be a “blank” display), changeable manually, by remote control, or by automatic control. Electronic-display changeable message signs are referred to as Dynamic Message Signs in the National Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture and are referred to as Variable Message Signs in the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards publication.

Dynamic Message Sign term will be reserved in the next MUTCD and NEMA TS-4 revision for high definition CMS.

The latest proposal at NEMA and ASHTO is based on this image

RHolt-RIDOT commented 2 years ago

following up on @sergebeaudry's input above, I would support using the ChangeableMessageSign (CMS) object name.

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

@sergebeaudry your comment is valuable but was added too late to change what was approved for v1.0 of the SwzDeviceFeed specification. If you think it is important enough to be worth changing the naming of the DynamicMessageSign object to ChangeableMessageSign for the next specification release, please create an issue for that discussion.

Thank you.

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

I made changes to the file location and organization of the JSON schema to remove duplication between the schemas for the WZDxFeed and the SwzDeviceFeed. This will also facilitate the addition of the schema for the RoadRestrictionFeed in #205. Specifically:

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

I did a bit of refactoring of the project README to describe that WZDx now defines multiple feeds. There is more I want to do with regards to visibility of important information and clarifying what WZDx is, however, that is better implemented in a separate PR to avoid cluttering this one.

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

I did two more things as part of helping clarify that there are now multiple "WZDx Feeds":

What we should do as part of the v4.0-release editorial changes is review the vs project vs /spec-content/ and see if we can make each of those files have a clear message without much overlap to facilitate new users being able to understand what the repository/wzdx is defining and how to use it.

j-d-b commented 2 years ago

@mark-mockett thanks for reviewing. We can discuss the schema in our meeting next week.