The Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) Specification aims to make harmonized work zone data provided by infrastructure owners and operators (IOOs) available for third party use, making travel on public roads safer and more efficient through ubiquitous access to data on work zone activity.
Add work_zone_type property to the WorkZoneRoadEvent object to allow indicating if a work zone road event represents a planned moving operation, an active moving operation, or a standard static work zone.
Add the following values to the Direction enumerated type:
Add velocity_kph property to the FieldDeviceCoreDetails object to allow indicating the velocity of a field device.
Add work-truck-with-lights-flashing to the MarkedLocationType enumerated type.
No properties were deprecated or removed in WZDx v4.2.
Expand the description of the geometry property on the RoadEventFeature object to clarify how geometry should be used to represent a road event.
Update the description of the open and closed enumerations of the LaneStatus enumerated type.
Update the description of the FlashingBeacon object to clarify that it should only be used as a flashing warning beacon mounted on a temporary traffic control device.
New Functionality
property to the WorkZoneRoadEvent object to allow indicating if any Curb Data Specification curb zones are impacted by the work zone using new CdsCurbZonesReference object.work_zone_type
property to the WorkZoneRoadEvent object to allow indicating if a work zone road event represents a planned moving operation, an active moving operation, or a standard static work zone.inner-loop
property to the FieldDeviceCoreDetails object to allow indicating the velocity of a field
to the MarkedLocationType enumerated type.Refactoring
No properties were deprecated or removed in WZDx v4.2.
property on the RoadEventFeature object to clarify how geometry should be used to represent a road
enumerations of the LaneStatus enumerated type.