usds / benefits-enrollment-prototype
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Bug bash: instructions #9

Closed raquelromano closed 7 years ago

raquelromano commented 7 years ago

So you wanna catch some bugs do ya? Outstanding...we're very excited to have your help!

Here's how this works:

(Feel free to log any feedback about confusing language or UX decisions, though we won't be tackling that until post launch).


There are 4 user stories you can pretend to be in for the purposes of completing the flow:

  1. As a user who doesn't file taxes or share food with anyone, I can apply for one or more programs.
  2. As a user who file taxes with 1 or more people but doesn't share food with anyone, I can apply for one or more programs.
  3. As a user who doesn't file taxes with anyone but does share foods with 1 or more people, I can apply for one or more programs.
  4. As a user who files taxes with and shares foods with 1 or more people, I can apply for one or more programs.

Logging bugs:

  1. First, do a quick search of to see if anyone else has caught your bug before you file a new issue. If no one has, then proceed...
  2. Start a new issue, describing in the problem succinctly in the title
  3. In the body of the issue, copy and fill out this template:
    • device type, Browser, OS [eg: iPhone 6, Safari, iOS6]
    • describe the problem [eg: "unable to activate the checkbox that says "Are you the coolest ever?"]
    • copy a link to the page where you're observing the issue and snap a screenshot if you can
  4. Finally, tag the issue with the bug label (it's fine to use this label even for typos, content edits, etc.)
mollieru commented 7 years ago

@lucasmbrown 🐛 bash away!!