useblocks / sphinx-simplepdf

A simple PDF builder for Sphinx documentations
MIT License
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Failed to load stylesheet error #39

Closed sachin-suresh-rapyuta closed 1 year ago

sachin-suresh-rapyuta commented 1 year ago

Was there any change in the code recently?

I am trying to generate the PDF using the below steps (within the virtualenv)

1. python3.8 -m venv simplepdfvenv
2. source simplepdfvenv/bin/activate
3. pip3 install ../../../../../Test/sphinx-simplepdf
4. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
5. sphinx-build -a -E -b simplepdf . build/ 

I am getting the below errors which I used not see earlier.

ERROR: Failed to load stylesheet at file:///home/sachin/Workspace/Sootballs/rr_sootballs/internal/rr_pa_amr_docs/docs/build/_static/sphinxcontrib-httpexample.css: URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/sachin/Workspace/Sootballs/rr_sootballs/internal/rr_pa_amr_docs/docs/build/_static/sphinxcontrib-httpexample.css'>
ERROR: Failed to load stylesheet at file:///home/sachin/Workspace/Sootballs/rr_sootballs/internal/rr_pa_amr_docs/docs/build/_static/styles/main.css: URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/sachin/Workspace/Sootballs/rr_sootballs/internal/rr_pa_amr_docs/docs/build/_static/styles/main.css'>