useblocks / sphinx-simplepdf

A simple PDF builder for Sphinx documentations
MIT License
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Documentation typo - missing colon #59

Open kjcole opened 2 years ago

kjcole commented 2 years ago

On the Configuration page, the first example:

simplepdf_vars = {
    'primary': '#FA2323',
    'secondary': '#379683',
    'cover': '#ffffff',
    'white': '#ffffff',
    'links': 'FA2323',
    'cover-bg' 'url(cover-bg.jpg) no-repeat center'
    'cover-overlay': 'rgba(250, 35, 35, 0.5)',
    'top-left-content': 'counter(page)',
    'bottom-center-content': '"Custom footer content"',

is missing the colon after the cover-bg key and a comma at the end of the line.