useblocks / sphinx-simplepdf

A simple PDF builder for Sphinx documentations
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Math Not Rendering Correctly in PDF Output #99

Open sachin-suresh-rapyuta opened 2 months ago

sachin-suresh-rapyuta commented 2 months ago

I am experiencing issues with LaTeX math rendering in the PDF output generated using sphinx-simplepdf. The HTML output is correct, but the PDF output shows LaTeX notation as raw text, e.g., (2^{31} -1).

What I have tried:

  1. Installed sphinx-mathjax-offline via pip (link:
  2. Configured
extensions = [
mathjax2_config = {
    'tex2jax': {
        'inlineMath': [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']],
        'displayMath': [['$$', '$$'], ['\\[', '\\]']],
        'processEscapes': True,

RST content:

1 to :math:`2^{31} - 1`

Result: HTML output renders math correctly:


But PDF output displays raw LaTeX text:


Expected Behavior: Math expressions should be rendered correctly in both HTML and PDF outputs.