Cheerio is included in Postman so perhaps Bruno can consider having it as an inbuilt library as well since there is nothing else to parse HTML? If not, please consider providing some documentation on how to test HTML with Bruno or install Cheerio successfully.
I have checked the following:
Describe the bug
I'm trying to use Cheerio to test HTML from Bruno but cannot get it to work because of the following error:
Error invoking remote method 'send-http-request': TypeError: 'set' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property 'Symbol('
I installed it with NPM as indicated in the documentation then went through a number of tests to include all the modules that need to be whitelisted.
Test Script (Bruno)
Test Script (Postman)
Cheerio is included in Postman so perhaps Bruno can consider having it as an inbuilt library as well since there is nothing else to parse HTML? If not, please consider providing some documentation on how to test HTML with Bruno or install Cheerio successfully.
This is also release to
.bru file to reproduce the bug
Screenshots/Live demo link
Fails in Bruno
Works in Postman