Just thought I'd contribute some typo fixes that I stumbled on. Nothing controversial (hopefully).
Let me know if this is considered a fix: or a chore: and I can add the appropriate commit message prefix if desired.
repetead (15)
itms (6)
editon (4)
itemis (3)
infinte (2)
diolog (2)
pervious (2)
environmnent (1)
javscript (1)
pretiffy (1)
avoif (1)
emoving (1)
mutiple (1)
reqroduce (1)
Contribution Checklist:
[x] The pull request only addresses one issue or adds one feature.
[x] The pull request does not introduce any breaking changes
[ ] I have added screenshots or gifs to help explain the change if applicable.
Just thought I'd contribute some typo fixes that I stumbled on. Nothing controversial (hopefully). Let me know if this is considered a
or achore:
and I can add the appropriate commit message prefix if desired.Contribution Checklist: