(Please replace this header with a description of your pull request. Please include BOTH what you did and why you made the changes. The "why" may simply be citing a relevant Galaxy issue.)
(If fixing a bug, please add any relevant error or traceback)
(For UI components, it is recommended to include screenshots or screencasts)
[x] I agree to allow the Galaxy committers to license these and all my past contributions to the core galaxy codebase under the MIT license. If this condition is an issue, uncheck and just let us know why with an e-mail to galaxy-committers@lists.galaxyproject.org.
(Please replace this header with a description of your pull request. Please include BOTH what you did and why you made the changes. The "why" may simply be citing a relevant Galaxy issue.) (If fixing a bug, please add any relevant error or traceback) (For UI components, it is recommended to include screenshots or screencasts)
How to test the changes?
(Select all options that apply)