usegalaxy-no / galaxyadmin

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Problems with Galaxy Reports server #52

Closed kjetilkl closed 2 years ago

kjetilkl commented 2 years ago

I was going to review tool job errors on our Galaxy Reports server, but when I selected "Jobs in error per month", clicked on "August 2021" and then selected a specific date, I just got a blank screen and a silent HTTP 500 error. The logs indicate some sort of Python "null pointer" error ("/var/log/messages"). Any ideas why this functionality, which used to work just fine, is suddenly broken?

torfinnnome commented 2 years ago

No idea.

From Nicola Soranzo on

Reports are not widely used on usegalaxy.* and may sometimes break without developers noticing. I'd suggest to open an issue on the galaxy GitHub repo.

kjetilkl commented 2 years ago

Not sure what caused this, but it seems to be working again now...