uselagoon / lagoon

Lagoon, the developer-focused application delivery platform
Apache License 2.0
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Update Node.js version to 20, yarn fix vulnerabilites and update typescript #3582

Closed tobybellwood closed 9 months ago

tobybellwood commented 10 months ago

This PR takes a number of actions:

                      │               Analyzed Image               │              Comparison Image               
    Target            │  testlagoon/api:pr-3582                    │  uselagoon/api:v2.16.0                      
      digest          │  f4cc8df043ee                              │  36530b03d397                               
      platform        │ linux/amd64                                │ linux/amd64                                 
      provenance      │    │     
                      │  453d7e1bdb2b74b4caa1c3d2d71f350340807fd6  │  083aa40a8704b327c4cb7ba92cf83ad6a211aaf2   
      vulnerabilities │   15C    72H    64M     3L     4?          │   20C    87H    78M     4L    10?           
                      │    -5    -15    -14     -1     -6          │                                             
      size            │ 152 MB (+286 kB)                           │ 152 MB                                      
      packages        │ 1664 (+72)                                 │ 1592                                        
                      │                                            │                                             
    Base image        │  node:20-alpine                            │  node:16-alpine                             
      tags            │ also known as                              │ also known as                               
                      │   • 20-alpine3.18                          │                                             
                      │   • alpine                                 │                                             
                      │   • alpine3.18                             │                                             
                      │   • current-alpine                         │                                             
                      │   • current-alpine3.18                     │                                             
      vulnerabilities │    0C     0H     0M     0L     1?          │    0C     0H     1M     0L     1?